
LX Grand Council Convention

July 17-21, 2022

60th GCC Information

60th GCC Summary | Reports

GCC Award Winners

Frank H. Eby Award

Kappa Psi’s most prestigious award given to collegiate members. It is awarded to the Collegiate member who has contributed the most to Kappa Psi

Jaelyn Pulkrabek

Delta Zeta

University of Iowa


Philanthropy Awards

Reach Out and Read Impact Award

Presented to the Collegiate Chapter whose participation in Reach Out and Read was creative, unique, and helps the organization achieve their mission.

Gamma Delta

Ohio Northern University

Gamma Delta oversaw the publishing of a book, written and illustrated by students and faculty of Ohio Northern University, called ‘If You Give a Polar Bear a Time Machine’. Proceeds of this book sale, along with additional fundraising events allowed the chapter to donate $3300 to Reach Out and Read. Local donations of 146 books were also made from two children’s book drive events.


Community Impact Award

Presented to the Collegiate Chapter whose participation in local philanthropy was creative, unique, and impactful

Delta Lambda

Campbell University

Delta Lambda participated in 16 service events throughout the year with a total of 394 brother hours donated. Events included a school supply drive for the Boys and Girls Club, roadside cleanup, making of book marks and refilling book boxes, assembling toiletry bags and making blankets for the homeless, Reach Out and Read education and book donations, hosting a thank you breakfast for facilities staff, blood pressure mock OSCE, Thanksgiving dinner donation, Pharmacist for a Day grant, and Big Bats Scholarship softball game.

Collegiate Awards

Top Performing Chapters

Chapters having received >85% of total points on the chapter progress report form

(listed in Greek alphabetical order)


University of Tennessee

Beta Epsilon

University of Rhode Island

Beta Kappa

University of Pittsburgh

Gamma Psi

Mercer University

Delta Lambda

Campbell University

Delta Omicron

Wilkes University

Delta Tau

Roseman University of Health Sciences

Epsilon Mu

University of Florida – Orlando


Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award

Awarded to the collegiate chapter with the highest percentage of eligible members earning Scholarship Honors Certificates based on Chapter membership and their school grading system

Gamma Kappa

South Dakota State University

Nicholas W. Feeney Industry Improvement Award

Awarded annually to the collegiate chapter which has shown the greatest percentage of improvement in chapter scholastic achievement over the past academic year

Gamma Psi

Mercer University


Advocacy Award

Awarded to a collegiate chapter who has demonstrated efforts to advance the profession

of pharmacy through advocacy

Beta Kappa

University of Pittsburgh


Chapter Leadership Award

Awarded to a collegiate chapter whose actions or activities demonstrate or promote leadership at

their school or college of pharmacy

Mu Omicron Pi

Wayne State University  


Innovation Award for New Member Recruitment and Education

Awarded to a collegiate chapter whose new member programming was innovative and represented the ideals of the Fraternity

Delta Lambda

Campbell University

Member Spotlight Award

Awarded to members for outstanding work within the Fraternity

Maggie Schmidt

Beta Kappa Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh

Hunter Curry

Beta Eta Chapter at the University of West Virginia

Lydia Borah

Epsilon Mu at the University of Florida – Orlando

Hannah Reynolds

Gamma Sigma at the University of Florida – Gainesville

Zach Matthew

Beta Pi at Washington State University

Grand Council Deputy Certificates of Excellence

Karen Hoang

Beta Kappa

University of Pittsburgh

Julie Akers

Beta Pi

Washington State University


Jordan Ballou

Beta Rho

University of Mississippi


Deanna McDanel

Delta Zeta

University of Iowa


Bethany Chmil

Delta Omicron

Wilkes University


Edward Roche

Gamma Epsilon

University of Nebraska


Gary Van Riper

Gamma Kappa

South Dakota State University


Trinity Williams

Gamma Sigma

University of Florida – Gainesville


Shannon Usztok

Zeta Gamma

University of Florida – Jacksonville


Graduate Awards

Graduate Professional Event Award

The Graduate Professional Event Award recognizes the important role of Graduate Chapters in fostering industry through professional development by holding the most innovative or impactful professional (pharmacy or healthcare related) event.

Dallas/Fort Worth Graduate

At the 2021 Southwest Province Fall Assembly, the Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Graduate Chapter hosted a CE event. The sponsored event featured Brother Dr. Katura Bullock who presented on Optimizing Opioid Use Disorder Treatment: Interventions for Pharmacists. DFW collaborated with Delta Pi in securing all the necessary CE requirements as well as promotional opportunities to welcome Graduates back to attending assembly once again.


Graduate Mentorship Award

The Graduate Mentorship Award recognizes the important role of Graduate Chapters in fostering industry and high ideals through demonstrating that membership in Kappa Psi is for life by holding the most innovative or impactful event(s) that promote growth and/or mentorship of Collegiate Brothers or Collegiate Chapters.

Pomona Graduate

Amidst a pandemic, Pomona Grad creatively delivered their Annual Residency Workshop in December of 2021. A hybrid model of in-person and virtual was created to facilitate attendance and support. Over a dozen Graduate Brothers supported the event. Key information around the match process, individual CV reviews, as well as mock interviews were hosted. 7 Brothers matched to their residency program of choice in Spring 2022.


Graduate Philanthropy Award

The Graduate Philanthropy Award recognizes the important role of Graduate Chapters in fostering high ideals through giving back of time and resources to our communities through philanthropic endeavors by holding the most innovative or impactful philanthropic (not necessarily health care related) event. 

Jacksonville Graduate

In coordination with the Jacksonville Department of Juvenile Justice, 15 Brothers of Jacksonville Grad as well as Zeta Gamma, expanded the scope of their Annual Children’s Holiday Drive to include 16 local businesses that supported their cause through monetary and toy donations. Over the course of 4 months, the event culminated with distribution of gifts to 614 children and 214 families for the holidays. The over $5000 raised for the event even supported families unable to pay bills during the holidays due to the pandemic. 


Family Inclusion Award

The Family Inclusion Award recognizes the important role of Graduate Chapters in fostering fellowship and high ideals by demonstrating that Kappa Psi is for life by holding an event where family and/or friends of Brothers are invited in an effort to promote inclusion and demonstrate the ability to continually integrate our personal and professional lives into the Fraternity.

Jacksonville Graduate

In 2021, the Brothers of Jacksonville Grad hosted a tailgate for Brothers of multiple Provinces at the Georgia-Florida Football game. Over 50 individuals attended the event, 5 work related colleagues, 29 Graduate Brothers, 8 Collegiate Brothers, 2 pledges, and 20 family members including parents, significant others, and children. The Chapter focused the event around family engagement and safety due to the pandemic and looks forward to successfully hosting the event annually to embody that Kappa Psi is for life.

Top Performing Graduate Chapters

Chapters placing in the top 25% of submissions based on point totals on the chapter progress report form

(listed in alphabetical order)


Arizona Graduate

Charlotte Graduate

Cincinnati Graduate

Columbus Graduate

Dallas/Fort Worth Graduate

District of Columbia Graduate

Gainesville Graduate

Iowa Graduate

Jacksonville Graduate

Orlando Graduate

Tampa Graduate

Savannah Graduate


Society 1879 Inductees

Society 1879 was established in 2019 to recognize those Brothers who have shown generous voluntary financial contributions in support of the Brotherhood over the years. Brothers who contribute $1879 or more in voluntary graduate dues to the Fraternity are bestowed all the rights and privileges of Society 1879


2020 Inductees

Craig Runyan

Beta Chi initiate


2021 Inductees

Chris Miller

Beta Kappa initiate


Special Awards

W. Bruce Philip Certificate of Commendation

In recognition of outstanding dedication to Kappa Psi as chairs of the 2019-2022 Philanthropy Committee and successful launch of Kappa Psi Service Week 

Kelsey Johnson and Tingting Fu


W. Bruce Philip Certificate of Commendation

In recognition of outstanding loyalty, dedication and assistance to the Kappa Psi Central Office 

Korin Kenneybrew