Frank H. Eby
Frank H. Eby (Beta Omega)
Grand Regent: 1946-1953
(From the History of Kappa Psi; D. Garner, 1993)
Frank Eby was born August 12, 1896 near Lancaster, Pennsylvania where he received his early education and graduated from high school in 1915. He was born within several miles of the homestead where the Eby family first settled in America in 1715. His apprenticeship in pharmacy began in a small country drugstore and he was later employed in Lancaster, and then Philadelphia. Brother Eby graduated, with honors, from the School of Pharmacy of Temple University in 1919 and he received the Doctor of Pharmacy from the same institution in 1921. Immediately after his graduation, Dr. Eby accepted a teaching position in the Department of Botany and Pharmacognosy, serving Temple University, with distinction, for forty-four years until retirement.
In 1921, Brother Eby married Dorothy M. Keller of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. They lived in Philadelphia, near the university from 1921 until 1927. From 1927 till 1939, they lived in a large house in Springfield, near Philadelphia. In 1939, they moved to 109 Fairview Road, site of The Central Office from 1954-1965. They had one son, Frank Jr., who retired in 1992 as Professor and Chairman for 22 years of the Finance-Marketing Department at Villanova University. He and his wife, Kathleen, had two children, Frank, III and Patricia. Kathleen died shortly after Dr. Eby in 1983. Patricia is now married. Frank III lives at home with Frank Jr.
Frank Eby served the Fraternity as a Grand Officer for almost twenty-three years. On December 29, 1941, at the 21st Grand Council Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, he was elected to the office of Third Grand Vice Regent. Since the Fraternity did not conduct a Grand Council Convention during World War II, Frank served for five years in this office until he was elevated by the Executive Committee to the office of Grand Regent on October 17, 1946, following the resignation of Grand Regent Leonard O’Connell for health reasons. Later, he was elected for three additional terms, retiring from office on December 30, 1953. His retirement became, in reality, a three-month vacation. When Grand Secretary-Treasurer, Ray Kelley died suddenly in March 1954, the Executive Committee asked Frank to assume the office. Following this appointment on April 10, 1954, he was elected to the office by the Grand Council for four terms, retiring on December 31, 1964.
Like his predecessor, Ray Kelley, Dr. Eby operated The Central Office out of his home, rent free, for more than a decade. Like Ray’s wife, Doris, Frank’s wife, Dorothy, served as The Central Office’s Secretary.
Most Kappa Psi Brothers are not aware of the scope of Dr. Eby’s contribution to the re-organization and growth of Kappa Psi following World War II. This is a list of some of the most notable events occurring during the sixteen years Brother Eby served as Grand Regent and as Grand Secretary-Treasurer (1946-64). Eighteen Collegiate Chapters were installed, many others re-activated; twenty-two Graduate Chapters were chartered; and 5500 Brothers were initiated into the Fraternity. The Constitution and Model By-laws were revised, the ritual was completely re-written, and the format of The MASK was changed. New publications included: The Grand S-T’s Bulletin, the Pledge Guide and Handbook, Instructions for Officers and General Information, the rush booklet, “May We Give You a Hand”, “The Professional Fraternity” and “The Responsibilities in Kappa Psi Fraternity.” The Asklepios Key, the Grand Council Scholarship Certificate, the Scholarship Honors Certificate, the Citation of Honor, the Citation of Appreciation and the Certificate of Appreciation were designed and introduced. Brother Eby’s History of Kappa Psi which he compiled from his personal papers and the fraternity archives stands as a permanent remembrance of his devotion to Kappa Psi.
Dr. Frank Eby died August 18, 1983 at the age of 87. A memorial service was held on August 22nd at the First Presbyterian Church of Springfield, Pennsylvania in Delaware County. Past Grand Regent, Dr. Dewey D. Garner, attended the service as the Official Representative of the Fraternity. Michael Skovira, Regent, represented Beta Omega Chapter and Paul Hiller, Graduate Member-at-Large, represented Pocono Graduate Chapter. Dr. Eby was survived by his wife, Dorothy, and his son, Frank Jr. He is buried in the family plot in Arlington Cemetery in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, near Springfield.
Image of Grand Regent Eby on display at The Central Office