Start a new chapter.

It all begins here...

Starting a Collegiate Chapter

Step 1: Initial Contact and Notification

  • Interested individuals contact the Central Office about starting or reactivating a Kappa Psi chapter.

  • The Central Office sends details on how to charter, including this policy, a list of nearby Brothers (if requested), and relevant information.

  • The Central Office informs the Alpha Chapter and appoints a Liaison to oversee the process. The Liaison ensures weekly updates on progress, which are shared with the Grand Regent and Executive Director.

  • The Liaison will also notify the Province Satrap and Supervisor of the proposed chapter.

  • The Liaison, in consultation with the Grand Regent, selects a Brother to visit the school or give a presentation to interested students.

Step 2: Province Satrap’s Role

  • The Province Satrap contacts the interested individuals to offer support from the Province.

Step 3: Permission from School Administration

  • The school/college of pharmacy administration must approve the formation of the chapter before proceeding, including any additional rules they may have.

Step 4: Identification of Key Contacts

  • The interested group selects a primary contact who will be responsible for communication between the Grand Regent’s Liaison and Province Satrap until the Colony elects a provisional Regent.

  • A faculty advisor must be identified (who is not necessarily a Brother but eligible to become one), and must be employed faculty approved by the Dean.

  • The primary contact sends weekly progress updates to the Grand Regent’s Liaison, faculty advisor, and Province Satrap.

Step 5: Gathering Graduate Signatures

  • Once permission is obtained from the administration, the Grand Regent’s Liaison, Province Satrap, and Provisional Regent work together to gather a letter with five graduate Brothers’ signatures supporting the chapter formation.

  • After submission to the Central Office, the group becomes the (School/College of Pharmacy) Colony of Kappa Psi and can begin pledging.

  • The faculty advisor must approve all pledge activities in writing and is encouraged to attend all pledge meetings. If unavailable, they must appoint another graduate Brother.

Step 6: Pledge Process

  • The Colony begins the pledge process, including:

    • Submitting local ordinances for review (90-day review period).

    • Selecting provisional officers.

    • Submitting 3 potential chartering dates (must be at least 2 months after final requirements are submitted).

    • Completing pledge activities (e.g., reviewing materials, conducting philanthropy, fundraisers, fellowship, and scholarship events).

    • Members must complete the Kappa Psi Basic Competencies Assessment with at least 80% proficiency. A second assessment is allowed if initial competency is not met.

  • The pledge process should last 6-8 weeks.

Step 7: Final Approval and Chartering

  • The Executive Committee will approve the chapter after the following conditions are met:

    • All fees are paid.

    • Local ordinances are approved by the Grand Counselor.

    • A finalized list of Charter Brothers (for new chapters).

    • All checklist items are completed.

  • The Colony may choose a chartering date at least 6 weeks after the end of the pledge process to allow time for preparation and avoid errors on the charter.


  • At least 8 weeks before Chartering: Executive Committee sets a chartering date and makes a motion for approval.

  • At least 6 weeks before Chartering: If approved, the Grand Regent’s Liaison informs the Colony and Province officials, and the Grand Regent announces the chartering date via listserv.

Starting a Graduate Chapter

Chartering a new Graduate Chapter takes a minimum of one year, starting when an interested Brother or group first contacts the Central Office. The first five steps must be completed for Executive Committee consideration.

Key to Success: Persistence. A dedicated Brother who consistently engages members and promotes Kappa Psi to both graduate and collegiate Brothers is essential. Stay persistent, and use all available communication channels—phone calls, letters, Kappa Psi publications, and state pharmaceutical newsletters.

Process Overview

Step 1: Initial Contact

  • The interested individual(s) contact the Central Office to express interest in starting a Graduate Chapter in a specific area. If requested, the Central Office provides information about Brothers in the area.

  • The Central Office notifies the Alpha Chapter, Province Satrap, and Supervisor of the interest and provides contact details of the interested parties.

  • The Grand Regent appoints a liaison to oversee the chartering process.

Step 2: Province Satrap's Role

  • The Province Satrap reaches out to the interested individuals and provides necessary support.

Step 3: Designate a Primary Contact

  • The group selects a primary point person to manage communication with the Fraternity. This person is responsible for keeping the Satrap, Grand Regent’s liaison, and the proposed chapter updated.

  • The primary contact must submit documentation of at least two group activities or meetings per year, including names of participants, dates, and a brief description. These must be sent within 30 days of the event.

Step 4: Elect Officers and Submit Local Ordinances

  • The group elects officers-elect as required by the Constitution and submits Local Ordinances to the Grand Counselor for approval.

  • The point person submits required signatures and documentation to the Central Office before continuing activities.

Step 5: Review and Approval of Local Ordinances

  • The Legislative Committee reviews the Local Ordinances within 90 days and notifies the proposed chapter of any necessary corrections.

  • Once approved, the group submits at least 3 potential chartering dates and a $300 Chartering Fee to the Central Office.

  • The Central Office forwards all materials to the Executive Committee for review.

Step 6: Eight Weeks Before Chartering

  • The Executive Committee selects a chartering date and makes a formal motion for approval.

Step 7: Six Weeks Before Chartering

  • If the motion passes, the Executive Director orders the Charter and notifies the proposed chapter, Province Satrap, and Supervisor.

  • The Grand Regent announces the chartering date via the listserv and provides a contact person for those interested in attending the ceremony.

Reactivating a Collegiate Chapter

Reactivation of a dormant Collegiate Chapter requires almost the same steps as forming a new chapter of Kappa Psi. Because all the interested persons are new and have never had the pledging process it is necessary for either a local member or a faculty member at the school to act as the Grand Council Deputy during this process. The interested people must follow the same steps for getting a new chapter up and running with the exception of choosing a name. The Chapter name will be the same as before the Chapter became dormant. The education of the interested persons in Kappa Psi history and the Kappa Psi Constitution remains the same. Reactivation of a dormant Chapter is a process that requires the involvement of The Central Office and it is recommended that any interested persons contact The Central Office as the first step in any reactivation.

Reactivating a Graduate Chapter

Reactivation of a Graduate Chapter is not as complicated as reactivating a Collegiate Chapter, but it does involve several policies of the fraternity that must be followed in order to get the chapter properly reactivated. Because these policies involve length of dormancy, dues owed and location of the Graduate Chapter, it is imperative that a group of brothers interested in reactivating a Graduate Chapter contact The Central Office in order to assure that the proper steps are followed. 

A Graduate Chapter that has not paid dues for three (3) consecutive years shall be deemed dormant beginning with the 4th year. This requires that the chapter be reactivated. In addition, the chapter must revise their By-Laws and Local Ordinances which then must be approved by the Grand Counselor and Legislative Committee. Plus, a reactivation fee of three hundred ($300 ) along with the past two (2) year graduate chapter dues must be paid in order for the chapter to become active.