the new Kappa Psi Portal is here
The Portal does not use Kappa Psi emails. Instead, it uses your personal email. Once you are assigned a role in your chapter (i.e., Regent, Secretary, etc.), you will be granted permission to manage your chapter. The first time you access the portal, you will have to claim your account. Follow the prompts and enter your details and the system will attempt to find your profile. If unsuccessful, you may try again, or open a case with the Central Office and we will attempt to manually retrieve your account.
Everyone gets access to the portal. How much you see and what you can do once logged in will depend on whether you hold any leadership positions within your chapter or province.
Every member who logs in will be able to view and edit their personal information. It is important to have an accurate school and personal email so that you do not lose access to your account when you graduate. Kappa Psi does not send marketing emails, nor does it sell your information. All information provided through the portal stays in the portal via encrypted cloud storage. You can choose whether other brothers can find you in the directory and what information is public.
If you are listed as the Regent or Secretary of your chapter, you will be able to manage your chapter’s roster. There are several reasons why someone may need to be removed from the roster, whether that be because of graduation, expulsion, or otherwise. Any status change made will be reviewed by Central Office before it takes effect.
Every officer of the chapter or province should have an up to date list of officers. Only members who are a part of that chapter can be an officer except for special roles such as GCDs.
To add new members to the roster, they must first be entered into the system as a prospective member. Once prospective members are reported and approved by the Central Office, the new members will be moved into the active roster list.
Once members have graduated and are no longer part of the collegiate chapter, please go into the roster and change their status. Upon review by Central Office, those members will be moved to graduated status and no longer listed on the collegiate chapter’s roster.