29th GCC
29th Grand Council Convention
Saint Louis, Missouri
Saturday-Monday, December 28-30, 1957
Hosted By: Gamma Pi
Host Hotel: Congress Hotel
Attendance: Total Attendance: 181
165 Brothers, 16 Guests
48 Chapters (40 Collegiate & 8 Graduate), 6 Provinces
Convention Summary
The 29th Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi was held at the Congress Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, December 28-30, 1957. Gamma Pi was the host chapter. Grand Regent Louis Fischer presided at all sessions. One-hundred-sixty-five delegates and members, along with sixteen guests, were registered. There were forty collegiate chapters, eight graduate chapters, and six provinces represented by delegates. Several important amendments to the Constitution were approved and are recorded herewith: (1) nomination of Grand Officers will be made six months prior to the national convention, rather than three months; (2) a Public Relations Committee was substituted for the Extension Committee; (3) the number of members on the Executive Committee was increased to nine, with five required as a quorum, two of which must be appointive members; (4) by resolution the initial period of The Mask subscription was reduced from ten years to five years. Many fine committee reports and papers were a part of a splendid convention.
Highlights of the convention included: (a) a number of fine papers presented by members of the collegiate chapters; (b) the buffet supper on Saturday evening; (c) the presentation of a Scroll of Appreciation to Grand Secretary-Treasurer Frank H. Eby.
Grand Officers Elected
Grand Regent: Milton L. Neuroth
First Grand Vice Regent: James R. Thayer
Second Grand Vice Regent: Herman C. Forslund
Third Grand Vice Regent: Pierre F. Smith
Grand Secretary-Treasurer: Frank H. Eby
Grand Historian: Walter R. Williams
Grand Ritualist: Glen J. Sperandio
Grand Counselor: John W. Schermerhorn