57th GCC
57th Grand Council Convention
“Reaching New Heights”
Denver, Colorado
August 4-8, 2015
Convention Chairman: Dr. Latha Radhakrishnan
Host Hotel: Denver Marriott City Center
Attendance: Total Attendance: 620
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc held its 57th Grand Council Convention August 4-8, 2015 in the Mile High City of Denver, Colorado. The host hotel was the Denver Marriott City Center and the convention chairperson was Dr. Latha Radhakrishnan. The logo for this GCC was designed by Haylee Brodersen (Gamma Kappa). There were 620 Brothers and guests registered for the convention.
Convention Committees and Officials
Credentials: Derrick Egi, Belma Muharemovic, Gregory Zumach
Resolutions: Ravi Bacchus (Epsilon Mu), Kyle Brown (Gamma Psi), Mari Cid (Epsilon Psi), Alex Ham (Epsilon Pi), Todd Harris (Beta Rho), Hal Hocker (Upsilon), Matthew Lacroix (Maine Grad), Ina Liko (Chi), Joe Nardolillo (Beta Epsilon), Demitrius DJ Onuaguluchi (Delta Eta), Vicky Shah (DC Grad), and Zach Usztok (Zeta Gamma)
Continuing Education: John Grossomanides, David Maize
Registration: Korin Kennybrew, Wendy Flores, Deadra King
Parliamentarian: Saswat Kabisatpathy
Convention Secretary: Johnny Porter
Program: Latha Radhakrisnan
Convention Program
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
9am – 5pm
Registration (Upper Lobby)
10am – 2pm
Executive Committee Pre-Convention Meeting (Silverton)
7:30pm – 10:30pm
Opening Reception – “Casino Night: Where Brothers Begin Reaching New Heights (Colorado)
Golden Bow Opening Ceremony
Welcoming Speeches
Introduction of Candidates
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
8am – 11:30am
Registration (Upper Lobby)
8am – 8pm
Guest Hospitality Room (Mattie Silks)
8am – 10am
Spouse/Child Breakfast (Independence)
8am – 9am
Continuing Education I: “Snakes and Spiders and Scorpions and Sea Creatures, Oh My! – A Review of Envenomations in the United States” (Denver 4-6) Speaker: Patrick P. Dougherty, PharmD, BCPS
9am – 10am
Workshop I (Denver 1-3) “Standing Out for the Right Reasons: Strategies and Secrets for Success in the Hunt for Residency and Post-Graduate Employment” Speakers: Adam Gregg PharmD, BCPS and Deanna L McDanel PharmD, BCPS, BCACP
Workshop II (Colorado D) “So You Want to Be a Province Supervisor? – Expectations, Utilization, and Best Practices. Speakers: Melissa Buchanan PharmD, MSCR; Chris Miller PharmD; Marvin Smith PharmD, and Greg Zumach PharmD, BCPS. Moderator: Paul Knecht PharmD
10:15am – 11:15am
Workshop III (Denver 4-6) “Prescription for Workforce Management” Speaker: Paresh Patel PharmD
Workshop IV (Denver 1-3) “Post-Graduate Fellowship Opportunities – Navigating Your Way to a Career in Industry” Speaker Jay R. Fajiculay, BS, PharmD
11:15am – 12:00pm
“Province Affairs” Board Meeting with the Grand Regent – Invitation only with RSVP (Silverton)
Depart for Coors Field – Denver Rockies vs. Seattle Mariners at 1:10pm
7pm – 8:30pm
Graduate/Benefactor Reception (Graduates and Benefactors Only) *Upper Lobby/Outdoor Plaza)
7pm – 11pm
Foundation Board Meeting (Saratoga)
Thursday, August 6, 2015
7am – 12pm
Registration (Upper Lobby)
8am – 8pm
Guest Hospitality Room (Mattie Silks)
8am – 9am
Continuing Education II (Denver 4-6) “Comprehensive Pharmacist-Managed Oral Chemotherapy Monitoring, Education, and Adherence Program” Speaker: Rebecca J. Fahrenbruch PharmD, BCOP
9:05am – 11:30am
General Session I (Colorado)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Credentials Committee Report
Convention Chairperson Announcements/Housekeeping
Candidate Addresses
Introduction of Keynote Speaker: “To Infinity and Beyond” Lawrence “LB” Brown PharmD, PhD, FAPHA
Memorial Exercise
Closing Remarks
12:15pm – 2pm
Scholarship and Awards Luncheon (Colorado)
2:15pm – 2:45pm
Group Photo (Outdoor Plaza/Colorado)
3pm – 5:30pm
General Session II (Colorado)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Credentials Committee Report
Legislative Session I
Officer Reports
Executive Director
Editor of the Mask
Permanent Committee Reports
Advisory Committee
Frank H. Eby Award Committee
Standing Committees
Chapter Awards Committee
Collegiate Development Committee
GCC Family Activities Committee
Graduate Development Committee
National Philanthropic Committee
Nominations Committee
Special Committees
Graduate Chapter Awards Committee
Pledge Program Development Committee
Web Presence Committee
Task Force Reports
Proxy Voting Task Force
7:45pm – 9:15pm
Chapter Sales/Exhibitor Hall/Career Roundtables (Denver 4-6)
Friday, August 7, 2015
8am – 5pm
Guest Hospitality Room (Mattie Silks)
8am – 9am
Continuing Education III (Denver 4-6) “Antipsychotics Use in the Hospitalized Patient – A Review for the General Pharmacy Practitioner Speaker: Candy Ng PharmD, BCPS
9:05am – 12pm
General Session III (Colorado)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Credentials Committee Report
Plenary Session: “Substance Abuse: It’s Our Problem” Speakers: Sheila Botts PharmD, FCCP, BCPP and Ryan Gries PharmD
Review of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy
Legislative Hearing
Province Reports
Unfinished business
12pm – 1:30pm
Advisory Committee Luncheon – Invitation only (Homestead)
12pm – 1:30pm
Grand Council Deputy (GCD) Luncheon – Invitation only (Independence)
2pm – 4pm
Confirmed Guests – Afternoon Tea (Off-site at the Brown Palace Hotel)
3pm -5pm
6pm – 9pm
Province Caucuses
9pm – 12am
Foundation Poker Tournament (Penrose)
Saturday, August 8, 2015
8am – 5pm
Guest Hospitality Room (Mattie Silks)
7am – 8am
Continuing Education IV (Denver 4-6) “Review of Non-Sterile Compounding” Speaker: Kirsten “Kasey” Tobbe PharmD
8:05am – 12pm
General Session IV (Colorado)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Credentials Committee Report
Legislative Session
Unfinished Province Reports
New Business
1:30pm – 5pm
General Session V (Colorado)
Call to Order
Roll Call
Credential Committee Report
Election of International Officers
6pm – 7pm
135th Alpha Chapter Anniversary Reception (Pre-Function Area/Colorado)
7pm – 11pm
Closing Banquet (Colorado)
Installation of International Officers
Golden Bow Closing Ceremony
Sunday, August 9, 2015
9am – 10am
Executive Committee Breakfast (Silverton)
10 am – 3pm
Executive Committee Post-Convention Meeting (Silverton)
Meeting Summary
The opening reception – “Casino Night: Where Brothers Begin Reaching New Heights” was held Tuesday evening and Grand Ritualist Harry Marcelin tied the Golden Bow. Grand Regent Eric Gupta, Grand Vice Regent Latha Radhakrishnan, and Past Grand Regent and Executive Director Johnny Porter gave welcoming speeches. The candidates for office were introduced and Brothers enjoyed the food and casino games available for the evening.
Wednesday morning began with a continuing education program “Snakes and Spiders and Scorpions and Sea Creatures, Oh My! – A Review of Envenomations in the United States” given by Patrick Dougherty, PharmD, BCPS. Four enlightening workshops were available to Brothers following the CE:
Workshop I: “Standing Out for the Right Reasons: Strategies and Secrets for Success in the Hunt for Residency and Post-Graduate Employment” Speakers: Adam Gregg PharmD, BCPS and Deanna L. McDanel PharmD, BCPS, BCACP.
Workshop II: “So You Want to Be a Province Supervisor? – Expectations, Utilization, and Best Practices” Speakers: Melissa Buchanan PharmD, MSCR; Chris Miller PharmD; Marvin Smith PharmD; and Greg Zumach PharmD, BCPS. Moderator: Paul Knecht PharmD.
Workshop III: “Prescription for Workforce Management” Speaker: Paresh Patel PharmD.
Workshop IV: “Post-Graduate Fellowship Opportunities – Navigating Your Way to a Career in Industry” Speaker: Jay R. Fajiculay BS, PharmD.
After the workshops, Grand Regent Eric Gupta held a province affairs board meeting with the province satraps. Wednesday afternoon was spent at Coors Field to watch the Denver Rockies defeat the Seattle Mariners 7-5. Grand Regent Eric Gupta, Grand Vice Regent Latha Radhakrishnan, Past Grand Regent and Executive Director Johnny Porter, and Editor of the Mask Cameron Van Dyke were recognized as representatives for the Fraternity prior to the baseball game on the field. The Graduate and Benefactor reception was held Wednesday evening in the courtyard outside of the hotel.
On Thursday, Rebecca J. Fahrenbruch PharmD, BCOP presented a CE on “Comprehensive Pharmacist-Managed Oral Chemotherapy Monitoring, Education, and Adherence Program”. General Session I was called to order and the candidates for office gave their speeches. Past Grand Regent Lawrence “LB” Brown PharmD, PhD, FAPHA gave the keynote address, “To Infinity and Beyond”, to discuss the qualities of leadership. The memorial exercise was performed and the Beta Omega Brothers shared a presentation remembering Past Grand Regent Paul Hiller.
The 10th biennial Scholarship and Awards Luncheon was Thursday afternoon. Many Brothers and chapters were recognized for their hard work over the 2014-15 academic year.
Following the luncheon, Brothers gathered outside of the hotel for a group photo before returning to the meeting room to start General Session II. The first legislative session was held and Officer Reports were given. Editor of the Mask Cameron Van Dyke gave a presentation entitled “The Mask: Understanding its importance and tips for submission”. Committee reports were available online and the committee chairs highlighted their reports. The day concluded with chapter sales, exhibit hall, and career roundtables.
Candy Ng PharmD, BCPS presented Friday’s CE topic “Antipsychotics Use in the Hospitalized Patient – A Review for the General Pharmacy Practitioner”. General Session III began with a plenary session “Substance Abuse: It’s Our Problem”. Brother Ryan Gries, PharmD gave a moving testimonial regarding substance abuse and recovery. Sheila Botts, PharmD, FCCP, BCPP gave the expert testimonial. A review of the alcohol and substance abuse policy was given prior to the legislative hearing. Province reports were then given and general session II adjourned.
While our guests were enjoying an afternoon tea at the Brown Palace Hotel, the first “Leaders and Legends in Kappa Psi” discussion panel was held.
The panel consisted of Past Grand Regents – Lawrence “LB” Brown, Norman Campbell, William Fitzpatrick, Brian Furbush, John Grossomanides, Anthony Palmeri, Johnny Porter, Brian Reisetter, Kenneth Roberts, Kali Weaver, and Patrick Wells – and Past Executive Directors – Donald Floriddia and Robert Magarian. The panel gave the Brothers insight on the past, present, and future of Kappa Psi. They showed us that Kappa Psi is truly for life. While the professional accomplishments of our Brothers are noteworthy, it was the emotional remembrances of Brothers who have joined the Grand Agora that demonstrated how much the Brotherhood has meant to our legends and leaders.
Following the discussion panel, province caucuses were held and the Foundation Poker Tournament, organized by James Wall (Gamma Nu), was played Friday evening. The winners of the tournament were 1st place Luke Weaver (Epsilon Sigma), 2nd place Austin Lam (Gamma Nu), and 3rd place Jarod Dainoviec (Zeta Beta). Through various fundraisers during the week, the Foundation received $9440 in donations.
The CE topic “Review of Non-Sterile Compounding” was presented on Saturday by speaker Kirsten “Kasey” Tobbe PharmD. General Session IV was called to order and the final legislative session was held. During General Session V, the election of the 2015-2017 International Officers was held.
The 135th Alpha Chapter Anniversary Reception and Banquet was held Saturday night. Our newly elected officers were installed and Grand Ritualist Jason Milton untied the Golden Bow. After a week full of education, business, fellowship, and excitement, Brothers returned to their respective chapters to share how they reached new heights in Denver
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Latha Radhakrishnan
Grand Vice Regent: Robert Mancini
Grand Counselor: Christina Askew
Grand Historian: Melissa Buchanan
Grand Ritualist: Jason Milton
Graduate Member at Large: Michael Starvaggi
Collegiate Member at Large: Karen Hoang
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Jordan Ballou – Delta Lambda
Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Beta Xi
Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Delta Zeta
William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter: Epsilon Theta
Grand Council Deputy Outstanding Achievement Award: Gary Van Riper (Gamma Kappa)
Legislative Highlights
Amendments to the Constitution:
I. Amendment to Article I, Section 1 (003) – Kappa Psi Official Name - FAILED
II. Addition to Article III, a section 9 (TBD) – Auxiliary Organizations Statement - PASSED
III. Amendment to Article IX, Section 1 (026) – Members of the Grand Council (NEW to GS-3) - PASSED
IV. Amendment to Article XV, Section 1 (035) – Publications (Proposal #3 en bloc) - PASSED
V. Amendment to Article XVII, Section 1 (037) – GCC Quorum (Proposal #4 en bloc) - FAILED
Amendments to the By-Laws:
VI. Amendment to By-Law V, Section 2 (075) – Proxies to the Grand Council (Proposal #4) - FAILED
VII. Amendment to By-Law V, Section 3 (076) – Proxy & Reimbursement (Proposal #4) - FAILED
VIII. Amendment to By-Law V, Section 4 (077) – Proxy Forms (Proposal #4) - FAILED
IX. Amendment to By-Law VI, Section 1 (078) – GCC Fund & Proxies (Proposal #4 en bloc) - FAILED
X. Addition to By-Law XII, a section 17 (TBD) – Webpage Publication & Webmaster (Proposal #3) - PASSED
XI. Amendment to By-Law XIII, Section 13 (168) – Nicolas W. Fenny Industry Scholarship Award - PASSED
(Proposal #5 en bloc)
XII. Elimination of By-Law XIII, Section 14 (169) – Scholarship Award Calculation (Proposal #5) - PASSED
XIII. Amendment to By-Law XIII, Section 15 (170) – Scholarship Honor Certificate Definition - PASSED
XIV. Amendment to By-Law XIII, Section 16 (171) – Scholarship Tray Calculation – PASSED
Amendments to the Uniform Collegiate Chapter By-Laws:
XV. Amendment to By-Law VI, Section 13 (C27) – Chapter Proxies (Proposal #4) - FAILED
Amendments to the Uniform Graduate Chapter By-Laws:
XVI. Amendment to By-Law VI, Section 10 (G24) – Chapter Proxies (Proposal #4) – FAILED
Amendments to the Uniform Province By-Laws:
XVII. Amendment to By-Law III, Section 1 (P05) – Province Dues Deadlines (Proposal #8 en bloc) - PASSED
XVIII. Amendment to By-Law III, Section 2 (P06) – Province Dues Deadlines (Proposal #8) - PASSED
1. Whereas, The members of the Executive Committee have dutifully served this Fraternity for the past two years; Be it resolved, That the 57th Grand Council extends its appreciation to the Executive Committee for their diligence and dedication.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
2. Whereas, An incredible effort has been made to provide an enjoyable experience at the 57th Grand Council Convention; and,
Whereas, The Convention Chairman and Committee have devoted significant time and energy toward planning this event;
Be it resolved, That the Brotherhood extends their thanks and appreciation to Brother Latha Radhakrishnan and her committee for their efforts.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
3. Whereas, Voluntary sponsorship of the Grand Council Convention is essential to reducing costs for attendees;
Be it resolved, That we thank all Silver, Bronze, Scarlet and Grey level sponsors of GCC including Brothers, Chapters, Provinces and Corporations.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
4. Whereas, Graduate involvement is beneficial in helping collegiate Brothers understand the opportunities available to them;
Be it resolved, That we thank the Graduate Brothers who volunteered during the roundtables and Luke Berenbrok along with the Brothers of Beta Kappa for organizing the roundtable event.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
5. Whereas, The support of spouses, significant others, children, and family members for the Brothers of Kappa Psi is essential;
Be it resolved, That the Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their thanks, love, and appreciation to those who support the Fraternity.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
6. Whereas, The hotel accommodations and meeting facilities are key to a successful meeting;
Be it resolved, That the 57th Grand Council acknowledges the Denver Marriott City Center hotel staff's efforts.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
7. Whereas, The Central Office devotes extensive time and energy to make the Grand Council Convention run smoothly; and,
Whereas, The Brothers of Kappa Psi all benefit from the devotion of all support staff;
Be it resolved, That the 57th Grand Council extend thanks to Brother Johnny Porter, Wendy Flores, Korin Kenneybrew, and all of The Central Office support staff.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
8. Whereas, the Brothers learn valuable information from those who share their knowledge and experience,
Be it resolved we thank Brother Past Grand Regent LB Brown, Brother Ryan Gries and Dr. Sheila Botts for their presentations during general sessions
Be it further resolved we thank all those who presented CE presentations and lead workshops in Brother development.
Submitted by Ryan Fillis, Mountain East Province
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
9. Whereas, the Brothers learn valuable information from those who share their knowledge and invaluable experiences during the Leaders and Legends workshop,
Be it resolved, we thank Past Grand Regents Norman Campbell, William Fitzpatrick, Patrick Wells, Ken Roberts, Johnny Porter, John Grossomanides, Brian Furbush, Brian Reisetter, Anthony Palmieri, LB Brown, Kali Weaver, and Past Executive Directors Don Floriddia and Robert Magarian for their participation in this unique event.
Submitted by Ryan Fillis, Mountain East Province
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
10. Whereas, it is vital to have volunteer support for many Grand Council Convention events and duties;
Be it resolved, that the Brotherhood extends thanks to all Collegiate and Graduate Brothers that volunteered during the week of the 57th Grand Council Convention.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
11. Whereas, The Kappa Psi Foundation strives for excellence in scholarship for Brothers in the Fraternity; and,
Whereas, It takes many helping hands to support and drive the Foundation;
Be it resolved, That we thank all the Brothers that have organized and participated in the poker tournament, especially Brother James Wall.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
12. Whereas, the planning of social events during the Ground Council Convention is a most challenging task given the vast amount of Brothers in attendance,
Be it resolved that the Grand Council recognizes the hard work organizing Brothers put into making each social event a success. Be it further resolved, that the Grand Council recognizes Brothers Harrison Britt, Amanda Brown and Chris Winslow for the fundraiser they orchestrated on behalf of the Kappa Psi Foundation on Thursday night.
Submitted by Trey Reeves, South Carolina Upstate Graduate Chapter and Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
13. Whereas, the Kappa Psi Foundation provides many scholarship opportunities for collegiate Brothers; and,
Whereas, the Foundation is supported solely through the generous contributions of our Brothers;
Be it resolved, that all collegiate and graduate chapters are encouraged to make an annual donation to the Kappa Psi Foundation.
Submitted by Ravi Bacchus, Epsilon Mu Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
14. Whereas, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity has grown during the last two decades, and
Whereas, there has been limited review of the governance structure of the Fraternity during this time
Be it resolved the Grand Council establishes a Taskforce on Governance to review the roles, responsibilities, and structure of different officers, committees, provinces, and the Grand Council itself.
Be it further resolved the Taskforce will be made up of Brothers from across the Fraternity with an interim report given to the Fraternity as part of the Fall 2016 packet and a final report, and any recommended changes due for consideration at the 58th Grand Council Convention.
Submitted by Matthew Lacroix, Maine Graduate Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
15. Whereas, being a good sport is highly desired, despite having to wear a jersey of a rivaled (but better) team of the Buffalo Bills,
Be it resolved that the Brothers of Beta Lambda extend their gratitude to Grand Regent Eric Gupta for following through with his bet to Brother Brandon Urasek and wearing a Brown’s jersey at a Colorado Rockies game…all day.
Submitted by Matthew Jordan, Beta Lambda Chapter
Committee does not recommend adoption
16. "Whereas provider status is gaining traction at the national level and Kappa Psi strives to be the greatest pharmacy organization be it resolved that a task force is formed focused on our involvement in matters greater than our Fraternity alone."
Submitted by Corey Edwards, Pomona Graduate Chapter
Committee does not recommend adoption
17. Whereas, birthdays are a time of great celebration and being that the Grand Council Convention is the grandest of celebrations within Kappa Psi,
Be it resolved that the 57th Grand Council recognize the birthdays of Brothers that took place during the course of the Grand Council Convention.
Submitted by Jenni Ito, Pomona Graduate Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
18. Whereas, all organizations need to understand their purpose and vision, so that all business is conducted towards a common goal,
Whereas, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity does not currently maintain an active mission or vision statement to share with potential Brothers, current Brothers, and outside stakeholders.
Be it resolved, The Executive Committee creates a mission statement, based on our current ideals and objectives found in our publications.
Be it further resolved, the Executive Committee will report to the Fraternity as part of the Fall 2016 packet and a final report, with any recommended changes due for consideration at the 58th Grand Council Convention
Submitted by Matthew Lacroix, Maine Graduate Chapter
Committee recommends adoption.
Resolution passes
19. Whereas: the Grand Council Convention has had significant growth in
attendance with well over 500 Brothers and guests in the past few
And whereas: the logistics of gathering all the Brothers and guests
for the group photo has become cumbersome and takes away time from
sessions and workshops,
Be it resolved: we discontinue the group photo with the 58th Grand
Council Convention.
Submitted by Jenny Donaldson, Indiana Grad
Committee does not recommend adoption
20. Be it resolved that timing of the regular GCC meeting date is reconsidered for the purpose of increasing Brothers access to the meeting
Submitted by Marshall Crabtree, Portland Graduate Chapter
Committee does not recommend adoption
21. Whereas, It was great being recognized at Coors Field
Be it resolved, that we thank Dr. Eric Gupta and Dr. Latha Radhakrishnan and the Rockies for setting up this event and hosting the Fraternity.
Submitted by Matthew Holderly and Ina Liko, Chi Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
22. Whereas, pharmacy is a profession and
Whereas, Kappa Psi is a professional organization;
Be it resolved, that Brothers of the organization are mandated to attend all convention events, unless the event is previously labeled as casual, in professional, business casual attire
Submitted by D.J. Onuaguluchi, Delta Eta Chapter
Committee does not recommended adoption
23. Whereas, Scholarships and awards are accolades to be thankful for;
Be it resolved, that recipients of these accolades need to be in attendance during the presentation of the award in order to be given the opportunity to accept it
Submitted by D.J. Onuaguluchi, Delta Eta Chapter
Committee does not recommend adoption
24. Whereas, GCC is an eventful occasion with programming
Be it resolved we encourage the use of pocket size agendas at the 58th GCC
Submitted by Jordan Ballou, Buies Creek Graduate Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
25. Let it be resolved that we thank all the candidates running for office for their willingness to serve on the executive committee.
Submitted by Matthew Holderly and Ina Liko, Chi Chapter
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
26. Be it resolved, that the Central Office will send Graduate Chapter invoices through US mail or to a person specific email along with the Official Kappa Psi email.
Submitted by John Grossomanides, Past Grand Regent
Committee recommends adoption
Resolution passes
Convention Favors: Commemorative Coin, Portable USB charger, Garner history book, Cournoyer/Weaver history book, female guest favor – Sephora eye mask and chapstick, male guest favor – waterproof phone pouch, child guest favor – Baymax hero doll