59th GCC
59th Grand Council Convention
“Making an Impact”
Washington, DC
July 17-21, 2019
Convention Chairman: Dr. Christina Askew
Host Hotel: Grand Hyatt
Attendance: Total Attendance: 594
(340 Collegiate Brothers, 229 Graduate Brothers, 25 Guests)
[Grand Council Convention House Rules]
59th Grand Council Convention Events Summary
Wednesday – July 17th
9 am – 5 pm Registration
10 am – 2 pm Executive Committee Pre-Convention Meeting
4 pm – 5 pm Continuing Education I Moderator: Karen Hoang (Beta Kappa)
6 pm – 8 pm General Session I
Golden Bow Ritual
Call to Order
Welcoming Addresses (GR, ED, Convention Chair)
Candidate speeches
Keynote: Tracy Anderson Haag (Epsilon)
8 pm – 11 pm Opening Reception: “Remembering Our History, Creating Our Legacy”
Thursday – July 18th
8 am – 1 pm Registration
8 am – 10 am Guest Breakfast Guest Greeter: Becky Fahrenbruch (Gamma Epsilon)
8 am – 9 am Continuing Education II Moderator: Emily Hailstone (Delta Gamma)
9 am – 11 am General Session II
Memorial Exercises
Executive Committee Reports
Fraternity Officials Reports
11:15 am – 12:30 pm Officer Forums
Province Affairs (invitation only): Satraps (or representative) with Grand Regent Mancini
Meeting Planning: Vice-Satraps with Grand Vice-Regent Askew and Coordinator of Province Affairs Forsythe
Legislative Issues & Management of Chapter Challenges: Parliamentarians with Grand Counselor Milton
THE MASK – Its Importance to our History: Historians with Grand Historian Buchanan
Connecting with our Ritual: Chaplains with Grand Ritualist Starvaggi
Graduate Conversations: Graduate Chapter Regents with Graduate Member-at-Large Miller. Panelists: Kate Anthony, Ravi Bacchus, Eric Geyer, Steve Lundeen, Brian Reisetter
Collegiate Conversations: Collegiate Chapter Officers with Collegiate Member-at-Large Nardolillo. Panelists: Jordan Ballou, Becca Deville, Kaveh Oloumi. Moderator: Beth Chmil
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm Scholarship and Awards Luncheon
Fraternity Awards
Foundation Awards
Philanthropy Awards
3 pm – 6 pm Meet the Candidates Forum
4 pm – 6 pm Kappa Psi Foundation Board Meeting (invitation only)
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Benefactor Reception
7 pm – 10 pm Kappa Psi Foundation Top Golf Event
Coordinated by Alex Jarvis (Beta Epsilon) and Becky Fahrenbruch (Gamma Epsilon, Foundation Board Member)
Friday – July 19th
8 am – 5 pm Registration
8 am – 9 am Continuing Education III Moderator: Aaron Davis (Rho)
9:15 am – 12 pm General Session III
Committee Reports / Task Force Reports
12 pm – 1:30 pm Grand Council Deputy Luncheon (invitation only)
12 pm – 1:30 pm Advisory Committee Luncheon (invitation only)
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Workshops Session I
Rushing and Pledging Speaker: Justin Fernando (Beta Omicron); Moderator: Tracy Anderson-Haag
Healthcare Advocacy: Speakers: John McGlew, Kathy Pham; Moderator: Monica Tadros (Delta Rho)
Interview 101: Paul Owens of Men’s Wearhouse Corporate Programs
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm Workshops Session II
Emotional Intelligence: Speakers: Allie Fay (Gamma Delta), Samantha Schmidt (Delta Upsilon)
Financial Planning: Chad Glover, Tim Merchant and Kyle Younger of Premier Income Partners
Connecting with Kappa Psi: Stan Tan, Cameron Van Dyke, Joe Nardolillo
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Workshops Session III
Central Office 101: Johnny Porter
Meditation for Burnout and Stress Resilience (Continuing Education IV)
Non-traditional pharmacy careers panel discussion: Speakers: Chris Charles (Sigma), Karen Hoang (Beta Kappa), Sandy Johnson (Epsilon), Matt Jordan (Beta Lambda), Jeff Little, Sophia Park (Sigma), Jami Schell (Beta Nu), Liz Van Dyke (Beta Kappa), James Wall (Gamma Nu)
7:30 pm – 9:30 pm Student Posters / Career Roundtables
Saturday – July 20th
8 am – 12 pm Registration
8 am – 9 am Continuing Education V Moderator: Trate DeVolld (Gamma Delta)
9:15 am – 12 pm General Session IV
Special Reports
Leadership Symposium
Unfinished business
Reach out and Read Presentation: Speaker, Donna Cohen Ross- Reach Out and Read
Province Reports
2 pm – 5 pm Province Caucuses
6 pm – 8 pm Chapter Sales
8 pm – 11:59 pm Ice Cream Social
8 pm – 11 pm Kappa Psi Foundation Poker Tournament Organized by James Wall (Gamma Nu)
Sunday – July 21st
7 am – 8 am Continuing Education VI Moderator: Trisha Miller (Delta Epsilon)
8 am – 12 pm Registration
8:15 am – 12 pm General Session V
New Business
1:30 pm – 5 pm General Session VI*
Election of International Officers**
6 pm – 7 pm Alpha Chapter Reception
7 pm – 11 pm Kappa Psi 140th Anniversary Banquet
Installation of International Officers
Golden Bow Closing Ceremony
Foundation Virtual 5K run/walk – July 10-19. Organized by Kyle Murray (Epsilon Chi), Trisha Miller (Delta Epsilon) and Becky Fahrenbruch (Gamma Epsilon)
Monday – July 22nd
9 am – 1 pm Executive Committee Post-Convention Meeting
* Session Cancelled
**Moved to General Session V
Meeting Summary
Prior to the opening of the 59th Grand Council Convention, Matthew Jordan, PharmD, MS (Beta Lambda) gave the convention's first continuing education session "Impactful Leadership: Taking Your Team to the Next Level". Following the CE program, General Session I commenced with Grand Ritualist Michael Starvaggi conducting the Golden Bow opening ceremony. Grand Regent Robert Mancini, Grand Vice Regent Christina Askew, and Executive Director Johnny Porter welcomed the Brotherhood and their guests to the 59th Grand Council Convention. The candidates for the 2019-2021 International Executive Committee were introduced and they shared their visions and goals for the Fraternity over the next two years.
Grand Regent Robert Mancini introduced the keynote speaker of the evening, Tracy Anderson-Hagg, PharmD, BCPS (Epsilon). Brother Anderson-Haag shared her experiences in the Fraternity and profession and how they made and can make an impact. “Being present provides opportunity” Brother Anderson-Haag stated in her keynote address. Following the keynote speech, Grand Regent Mancini completed General Session I with closing remarks. Brothers and their guests gathered in the Constitution Ballroom for the opening reception. The theme of the opening reception was “Remembering Our History, Creating Our Legacy”. Brothers interacted with each other by completing a crossword puzzle created by the 2017-2019 International History Committee with fraternity history facts. A photo booth was present for Brothers to take pictures in.
Thursday morning began with a continuing education program “Medical Marijuana: Where is the Pharmacist? Check Local Listings”, given by Jennifer Donaldson, PharmD, BCPPS (Beta Upsilon). General Session II followed with officer reports, standing committee reports and the Memorial Exercise was performed. A special presentation was given in remembrance of Brother David Caristi by Brother Joseph Lavino (Mu). Before the session, a spotlight slide show recognized achievements of Brothers.
Officer Reports:
Graduate Member-at-Large Miller
Collegiate Member-at-Large Nardolillo
Immediate Past Grand Regent Radhakrishnan
Coordinator of Province Affairs Forsythe
Coordinator of Web Services Tan
Standing Committee Reports:
Advisory Committee
Frank H. Eby Awards Committee
General Session II concluded and Brothers dispersed to Officer Forums led by members of the Executive Committee and appointed officers:
Province Affairs - Satraps with Grand Regent Mancini,
Meeting Planning - Vice Satraps with Coordinator of Province Affairs Stephanie Forsythe and Grand Vice Regent Askew
Legislative Issues and Management of Chapter Challenges Grand Counselor Milton
The MASK- Its Importance to Our History- Historians with Grand Historian Buchanan and Editor of The MASK Van Dyke
Connecting with our Ritual - Chaplains with Grand Ritualist Starvaggi
Making an Impact as a Graduate Brother - Graduate Brothers with Graduate Member-at-Large Miller
Collegiate Conversations: A Panel Discussion – Collegiate Chapter Officers with Collegiate Member-at-Large Nardolillo,
Following the officer forums, the 12th Biennial Scholarship and Awards Luncheon was held. Many Brothers and Chapters were recognized for their hard work over the 2018-2019 academic year.
At the conclusion of the awards luncheon, Past Grand Regent and Editor of THE MASK Emeritus, Dr. Anthony Palmieri, III was awarded the Preston W. Eldridge, Jr Order of the Golden Mortar for his fifty years of membership in Kappa Psi.
At the conclusion of the awards luncheon, Past Grand Regent and Editor of THE MASK Emeritus, Dr. Anthony Palmieri, III was awarded the Preston W. Eldridge, Jr Order of the Golden Mortar for his fifty years of membership in Kappa Psi.
Following the luncheon, a meet the candidates forum was held. This was the first time in recent history in which the candidates were all available for interviews during a scheduled time to allow Brothers and delegates to discuss the candidate’s plans for the future of the Fraternity. The benefactor reception was held Thursday evening where the founding members of Society 1879 were introduced and presented with their society pin and certificate. The day concluded with the Kappa Psi Foundation’s TopGolf outing in which $3789 dollars was raised for the foundation. The event was attended by 47 Brothers and had numerous sponsors.
Friday morning opened with a breakfast meeting including the Province Supervisors and Grand Regent Mancini. Following the breakfast, continuing education session 3 on “Continuous Glucose Monitoring” was given by Brother Christyn Mullen-Lee, PharmD, BCACP (Delta Kappa). General Session III contained committee reports and the first legislative session. The 2020 location of the 3rd Kappa Psi Leadership Symposium location was announced. The symposium will be held in Oklahoma City, OK on July 30- August 1, 2020.
International Committee Reports
Chapter Enhancement Task Force
Collegiate Chapter Award Committee
Collegiate Development Committee
Crisis Management Work Group
Fraternity Governance Task Force
Graduate Development Committee
Following General Session III, the Advisory Committee held a working lunch and the Grand Council Deputies held their biannual luncheon with an open forum discussing their Collegiate Chapters. Brothers had an opportunity to eat at a local restaurant, Bobby Van’s Grille, where throughout the week, part of the proceeds would be donated on behalf of Kappa Psi to local charities including Bread for the City and Food and Friends in which over $500 was raised. Friday afternoon contained 3 workshop sessions:
Workshop Session 1:
Rushing & Pledging: Justin Fernando (Beta Omicron)
Healthcare Advocacy: John McGlew, Kathy Pham
Interview Skills: Paul Owens, Men’s Warehouse
Workshop Session 2:
Financial Planning: Kyle Younger, Premier Income Partners
Connecting with Kappa Psi: Joe Nardolillo, Cameron Van Dyke, Stan Tan
Emotional Intelligence: Allie Fay (Gamma Delta), Samantha Schmidt (Delta Upsilon)
Workshop Session 3:
Continuing Education IV: Ancient Practices, Modern Uses: Meditation for Well-Being and Medication Safety: Lisa Hanlon, BS Pharm (Beta Kappa)
Non-Traditional Pharmacy Career Panel: Chris Charles (Sigma), Karen Hoang (Beta Kappa), Sandy Johnson (Epsilon), Matt Jordan (Beta Lambda), Jeff Little, Sophia Park (Sigma), Jami Schell (Beta Nu), Liz Van Dyke (Beta Kappa) and James Wall (Gamma Nu)
Central Office 101: Johnny Porter
Friday night ended with student poster presentations and career roundtables. Students presented posters on multiple topics including clinical research and Kappa Psi involvement. Brothers from Gamma Kappa and Delta Omicron were recognized for their posters. Graduate Brothers provided career and professional advice to collegiate Brothers during the career roundtables.
Brother Vicky Shah (Delta Kappa) PharmD, BCPS led kicked off Saturday Morning with continuing education session V presenting “Deadliest Catch: ID Guideline Updates Edition.” Along with Brother Shah, Brothers from Delta Omicron assisted Vicky in the CE presentation. General Session IV was called to order and started with the legislative hearing. Provinces presented their multimedia reports to the Grand Council. Students who attended the APhA Institute on Substance Abuse Disorders presented a report on their experience and impact on attending the conference. The philanthropy committee presented their report announcing that the Fraternity reached its goal of $50,000 donated to Reach out and Read. Philanthropy Committee chairs Sanaz Farhadian (Delta Phi) and Eliana Kurzum (Delta Lambda) were recognized by Grand Regent Mancini with W. Bruce Philip Certificates of Commendations. Donna Cohen-Ross from Reach Out and Read gave a presentation on the impact that Reach Out and Read has on both the community and advancing a child’s reading ability. The announcement was made that Reach Out and Read officially recognizes Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity as Literacy Partners. Following the general session, Province caucuses were held.
Saturday evening was filled with various events. Over 40 Chapters and Provinces had tables to display and sell their Kappa Psi products during chapter sales. For the first time in recent GCC history, the Ice Cream Social returned to the GCC agenda. Brothers enjoyed custom sundaes while enjoying Brotherhood. The Foundation Poker Tournament was organized by James Wall occurred co-currently with the ice cream social. 3rd place in the poker tournament was Jennifer Sonnen (Epsilon Beta), 2nd place was Drew Cremeans (husband of Amanda Cremeans (Beta Kappa)), and 1st place was Scott Dingus (Gamma Kappa). A thank you was given to Stephanie Forsythe (Beta Kappa) for assisting with the final tablet during the tournament. A Kappa Psi Fundraiser event was hosted by Southeast Province, raising $4,000 for the Foundation.
During the week of GCC, a virtual 5k event was held as a fundraising event for the Kappa Psi Foundation. The virtual run/walk had 101 participants and sponsors from all corners including Afghanistan. The heat and humidity of DC didn’t stop Brothers from raising over $3,800 for the Foundation. A medal was offered to participants. Kyle Murray (Epsilon Chi), Trisha Miller (Delta Epsilon) and Becky Fahrenbruch (Gamma Epsilon) helped organize the event. This event along with the other fundraisers helped the Foundation raise over $10,000 at the 59th GCC.
Sunday morning kicked off with the last continuing education; session IV. Brother Corey Edwards (Epsilon Gamma) presented “Analyzing Pharmacy Data with Pivot Tables. General Session V started out with the legislative session followed by new business. Following new business, the resolutions committee presented their report. As other business was completed early, elections of International Officers was moved to General Session V and General Session VI was cancelled. Electronic balloting was used during elections. The following were elected as International Officers: Grand Regent: Christy Askew; Grand Vice-Regent: Jason Milton; Grand Counselor: Melissa Buchanan; Grand Historian: Chris Miller; Grand Ritualist: Joe Nardolillo; Graduate Member-at-Large; Saswat Kabistapathy; Collegiate Member-at-Large: Alex Maxiejewski. Due to Session VI being cancelled, Brothers were able to sightsee around Washington, DC for the afternoon. The Alpha Chapter Reception and the 140th Anniversary Banquet were held Sunday Evening. The newly elected officers were installed and newly installed Grand Ritualist Nardolillo untied the golden bow. Grand Vice-Regent Milton announced the location of the 60th Grand Council Convention to be held on July 16-24, 2021 at the Arizona Grand Resort and Spa located in Phoenix, AZ. After an exciting week in Washington, DC filled with brotherhood, networking, education and fellowship, Brothers returned to their respective Chapter to share their experiences and to make an impact.
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Christy Askew
Grand Vice Regent: Jason Milton
Grand Counselor: Melissa Buchanan
Grand Historian: Chris Miller
Grand Ritualist: Joe Nardolillo
Graduate Member at Large: Saswat Kabisatpathy
Collegiate Member at Large: Alex Maciejewski
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Bethany Chmil – Delta Omicron
Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Upsilon– University of Kentucky
Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Epsilon Mu – University of Florida Orlando
William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter: Gamma Epsilon – University of Nebraska
Grand Council Deputy Outstanding Achievement Award: Karen Hoang (Beta Kappa)
Amendments to the Constitution: None
Amendments to the By-Laws:
Amendment to By-Law V, Sec 4 – The Grand Council (proposal 1) Passed
Amendment to By-Law XI, Sec 10 – Official Insignia, Badges, et cetera (proposal 2) Failed
Amendments to the Uniform Collegiate Chapter By-Laws:
Amendment to By-Law VI, Sec 13 – Duties of Officers (proposal 3) Passed
Amendments to the Uniform Graduate Chapter By-Laws:
Amendment to By-Law VI, Sec 10 – Duties of Officers (proposal 4) Passed
Amendments to the Uniform Province By-Laws:
Amendment to By-Law V, Sec 5 – Composition of the Province Assembly (proposal 5) Passed
1. Whereas, the members of the International Executive Committee have dutifully served this Fraternity for the past two years; Be it resolved, that the 59th Grand Council extends its appreciation to the International Executive Committee for their diligence and dedication. Be it further resolved, that we also thank the Past Grand Regents for their continued support and attendance at the Grand Council Convention.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
2. Whereas, an incredible effort has been made to provide an enjoyable experience at the 59th Grand Council Convention; and Whereas, the Convention Chairman and Committee have devoted significant time and energy toward planning this event; Be it resolved, that the Brotherhood extends their thanks and appreciation to Brother Christina Askew and her committee for their efforts.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
3. Whereas, voluntary sponsorship of the Grand Council Convention is essential to reducing costs for attendees; Be it resolved, that the Brothers of Kappa Psi thank all the sponsors of the Grand Council Convention including Brothers, Chapters, Provinces and Corporations.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
4. Whereas, Graduate involvement is beneficial in helping collegiate Brothers understand the opportunities available to them; Be it resolved, that the Brothers of Kappa Psi thank the Graduate Brothers who volunteered during the roundtables and Brother Alan Patterson for organizing the roundtable event.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
5. Whereas philanthropy is a core foundation of our fraternity, be it resolved that Reach Out and Read is recognized for their excellent partnership with this fraternity.
Submitted by: TJ Chapman, Northern Virginia Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
6. Whereas, the support of spouses, significant others, children, and family members for the Brothers of Kappa Psi is essential; Be it resolved, that the Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their thanks, love, and appreciation to those who support the Fraternity.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
7. Whereas, the hotel accommodations and meeting facilities are key to a successful meeting; Be it resolved, that the 59th Grand Council acknowledges the Grand Hyatt Washington D.C. for their hospitality.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
8. Whereas it takes an incredible amount of work behind the scenes to run a successful fraternity, be it resolved that the fraternity is sincerely grateful for the hard work and dedication of the Central Office.
Submitted by: TJ Chapman, Northern Virginia Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
9. Whereas, the Brothers learn valuable information from those who share their knowledge and experience; Be it resolved, that the Brothers of the 59th Grand Council thank all of the Brothers and Speakers who lead forums, workshops, CE’s, and roundtables in brotherhood and in professional development.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
10. Whereas, it is vital to have volunteer support for many Grand Council Convention events and duties; Be it resolved, that the Brotherhood extends thanks to all Collegiate and Graduate Brothers that volunteered during the week of the 59th Grand Council Convention.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
11. Whereas, the Kappa Psi Foundation strives for excellence in scholarship for Brothers in the Fraternity; and, Whereas, it takes many helping hands to support and drive the Foundation; Be it resolved, that the 59th Grand Council thank those who planned and participated in the fundraising events throughout the week.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
12. Whereas, the Kappa Psi Foundation provides many scholarship opportunities for collegiate Brothers; and, Whereas, the Foundation is supported solely through the generous contributions of our Brothers; Be it resolved, that the 59th Grand Council thanks the Foundation Board members for their continual efforts; Be it further resolved, that all collegiate and graduate chapters are encouraged to make an annual donation to the Kappa Psi Foundation.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
13. Whereas, running for office takes careful thought and demonstration of commitment to the Fraternity; Be it resolved, that the 59th Grand Council thank all of the candidates running for office for their willingness to serve on the International Executive Committee.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
14. Whereas, celebrating birthdays with loved ones is important, and recognizing past Grand Regents is just as important, be it resolved that we wish Brother Eric Gupta a Happy Birthday message.
Submitted by: Dan Nguyen, Delta Phi and Kevin Mai, Pomona Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
15. Whereas it is necessary to have excellent GCDs, be it resolved that Brothers Van Riper, Whittaker, Kuntz, and McDanel, as well as the brothers of the GCD Development and Training Coalition committees are recognized for their hard work and dedication to our GCDs.
Submitted by: TJ Chapman, Northern Virginia Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
16. Whereas, the Brothers of the Fraternity appreciate collaborative efforts of all Brothers near and far; Be it resolved, that the Brothers of the 59th Grand Council thank all Supervisors and Assistant Supervisors for their leadership throughout their tenure.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
17. Whereas, the work of the Fraternity takes many Brothers; Be it resolved, that the 59th Grand Council thanks the international committee and task force chairs and members that have served over the last term.
Submitted by: The Resolutions Committee
The Committee recommends adoption
Resolution Passed
18. Whereas, the job of the credentials committee is to properly evaluate the authenticity of each chapter's ability to correctly be seated, and whereas the number of chapters continues to increase, be it resolved that an official process be formed to collect the delegate and proxy forms to provide a means for the committee to evaluate the data ahead of the first business meeting.
Submitted by: Derrick T Egi, Pacific Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption- Passes
Resolution Passed
19. Whereas, it is important that delegates be seated efficiently, be resolved that all table tents should be double sided so delegates can easily find their seat.
Submitted by: LaNae Calloway, Orlando Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption-Passes
Resolution Passed
20. Whereas, Grand Council Conventions are typically held in the Summer months, be it resolved that it is recommended that future GCC hotels have a swimming pool.
Submitted by: Scott Clancey, Detroit Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption-Fails
Resolution Failed
21. Whereas, it is beneficial to have information prior to general sessions, workshops, and other events, be it resolved that future Grand Council Conventions post these descriptions and associated documents, if an application or website is utilized.
Submitted by: LaNae Calloway, Orlando Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption-Fails
Resolution Failed
22. Whereas, it is important to uphold the traditions of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., be it resolved that the Latin letter Y not be substituted for the Greek letter Psi in future promotional material (i.e. PowerPoints, t-shirts, formal documents) to avoid potential confusion.
Submitted by: Zach Usztok, Jacksonville Graduate
The Committee recommends adoption-Passes
Resolution Passed
Convention Favors
59th GCC Sponsors
Gold Level ($4000-7499)
Silver Level ($2000-3999)
Mid- America Province (Turning Point E-Voting System)
Northern Plains Province (GCD Luncheon)
Premier Income Partners
Bronze Level ($1500-$1999)
Kappa Psi Foundation (Continuing Education)
Scarlet and Grey Level ($1000-$1499)
Atlantic Province (Guest Breakfast)
Northeast Province (GCC App)
Sponsors ($100-$999)
Great Lakes Province (Name Badges)
Gulf Coast Province (Guest Favors)
Mountain East Province (Table Tents)
Northwest Province (GCC Guest Contribution)
Pacific West Province (Coffee Station)
Southeast Province (Coffee Station)
Southwest Province (Lanyards)
Additional Sponsors and Speakers: Bread for the City, Food & Friends, Reach Out and Read