Rushing and Pledging Kappa Psi


To our future Brothers...

As you journey down the path of life and pursue a career in pharmacy, developing yourself professionally and adding leadership skills ranks as important as developing your personal clinical knowledge.

Becoming a fraternity member of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity is the best way to accomplish all of these goals and more!

To our Brothers and Chapters...

You are in a position to mold our recruits of today into our leaders of tomorrow. The manner in which you execute your responsibilities will determine in no small way the continued success of our beloved Order. If you take seriously your membership in Kappa Psi, you realize that membership is for life, which has led to our famous phrase "Kappa Psi For Life".

Whether these pledges will continue to respond to our Fraternity years after graduation depends on what you teach them during their pledgeship and the bonds of friendship that are created. Remember to practice industry, sobriety, fellowship, and high ideals in your rushing and pledging events and instill a sense of the history and tradition of your chapter!

Your future brothers and your chapter will grow stronger as a result.