Antone I. Mickelsen
Antone I. Mickelsen (Beta Iota)
Grand Regent: 1934-1937
Antone O. Mickelsen was installed as Grand Regent of Kappa Psi on May 9, 1934, in Washington, D.C. He served as Chairman of the Executive Committee and Satrap of the Northwest Province of Kappa Psi. He was elected First Grand Vice Regent in 1932. Dean Mickelsen first became associated with North Pacific College of Oregon in 1923; in 1928, he became Dean of Pharmacy, North Pacific College of Oregon. He was recognized as the first to introduce strictly dental pharmacy in the Pacific Northwest, and is a member of the National Committee on Professional Information Pertaining to Dental Pharmacy of the American Pharmaceutical Association. He was deeply interested in advancing professional pharmacy practice, and it was largely through his efforts that a branch of the American Pharmaceutical Association was organized in Portland in 1933. This branch was known as the North Pacific Branch of APhA. He was active in bringing the American Pharmaceutical Convention to Portland, Oregon in August 1935 and served as Local Secretary of the Portland Convention. When the American Medical Association held its meeting in Portland, Dean Mickelsen was Chairman of the U. S. P. Exhibit, which was awarded the Certificate of Merit for an outstanding educational display at the convention. Aside from his interests in professional pharmacy and Kappa Psi, he took an active part in civic organizations. He was a Royal Rosarian; the Secretary of the Rose City Dance Group; and served as General Chairman of the Judges of the Grand Floral Parade in Portland, Oregon. Dean Mickelsen served in World War I and was a member of Post No. 1 of the American Legion, Portland, Ore.