Latha Radhakrishnan

Latha Radhakrishnan (Chi)

Grand Regent: 2015-2017

Latha is an initiate of the Chi chapter at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy and received her Pharm.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in 1998. She subsequently completed a Pharmacy Practice residency at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and a Primary Care Specialty residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago. In 2006, she was an integral member in revitalizing the Illinois Graduate chapter. She has held the office of chapter Regent (2006–2011), Vice Regent (2012–2013), and Graduate Liaison (2013–2014). She has served as a Grand Council Deputy (GCD) for Chi and Epsilon Omega. As the Chi Chapter GCD and the Illinois Graduate Chapter Regent, she was able to collaborate with both chapters to put on a successful Chi chapter Centennial Celebration in April 2010.

 On the International Executive Committee, she was elected to the position of Graduate Member-at-Large for the 2009–2011 term. During her term as Graduate Development Committee Chairperson, the committee was able to release the first Graduate Chapter Manual. In 2011, Latha was elected to the position of Grand Ritualist. During this term, she was able to edit, update and release the 2013 Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Ritual Book. From 2013-2015, she served as the Grand Vice Regent for the International Executive Committee. Latha was elected Grand Regent at the 57th Grand Council Convention in Denver, Co in August 2015.

Latha was appointed as a member of the Professional Fraternity Association (PFA) Conference Planning Committee. She is also a member of Rho Chi Honor Society, Phi Lambda Sigma Leadership Society, and Pi Beta Phi National Sorority.


Robert Mancini


Eric K. Gupta