Lawrence Brown

Lawrence Brown (Gamma Nu)

Grand Regent: 2007-2009

Dr. Lawrence “LB” Brown is currently the Vice Provost for Academic Administration and full Professor at Chapman University in Irvine, CA. Before his tenure at Chapman University, LB was an Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee College of Pharmacy where he was Director of Graduate Studies in Health Outcomes and Policy Research. Dr. Brown received his Ph.D in Social and Administrative Pharmacy at the University of Minnesota in 2003 and his Pharm.D at the University of the Pacific where he was initiated into the Gamma Nu Chapter in 1997.

LB is passionate about leadership and his past leadership roles speak for themselves. He is a Past President of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), former Speaker of the House for both APhA and APhA-ASP, Past Grand Officer for the Economic, Clinical, and Administrative Sciences section of APhA-Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science, and past parliamentarian for the Minnesota Pharmacist Association. Dr. Brown has also served Kappa Psi proudly in many different functions as well over the years. He served at Graduate Member-at-Large from 2005-2007, Grand Regent from 2007-2009, and Immediate Past Grand Regent from 2007-2009. In addition, Dr. Brown served on the International Legislative Committee, served as Grand Council Convention Parliamentarian, Province I Supervisor and Parliamentarian. He is also a member of Phi Lambda Sigma and Rho Chi.


E. Ben Welch, III


David Maszkiewicz