David Maszkiewicz

David Maszkiewicz (Beta Kappa)

Grand Regent: 2005-2007

A 1983 initiate of Beta Kappa chapter at the University of Pittsburgh, Dave held the offices of historian and pledgemaster. He served as the Grand Council Deputy of Beta Kappa, a position he was first elected to in 1994 and currently, is a GCD Emeritus of the Chapter. Dave was very active in Province II. Dave has held the offices of Historian (1985-1986), Vice Satrap (1994-1996), and served three terms as Satrap (1986-1989 and 1993-1997). In 1998, Dave was awarded the Paul J. Hiller Award, given annually to an outstanding collegiate and graduate Brother in Province II. On the national level, Dave has served on nine different committees of the Grand Council, and has served as the Chairman of the Publications Committee and Chairman of the 52nd Grand Council Convention (GCC). He also served as Chairperson of the 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003 GCC Raffle committees to benefit the Kappa Psi Foundation, Chairman of the Graduate Development Committee (1997-2001), and Chairman of the Legislative Committee (2001-2003). Dave has also served as Supervisor to Provinces III, IV, and V. Dave was elected to the Executive Committee in 1997 as the Graduate Member-at-Large, serving two terms in that position. Dave also served as Grand Counselor (2001-2003), Grand Vice Regent (2003-2005) and was elected Grand Regent at the 52nd GCC in his home town of Pittsburgh.


Lawrence Brown


Anthony Palmieri, III