Paul J. Hiller

Paul J. Hiller (Beta Omega)

Grand Regent: 1993-1995

Past Grand Regent Paul Hiller was initiated into the Beta Omega Chapter while a student at Temple University School of Pharmacy. He graduated in 1973 and was one of the founding members of the Pocono Graduate Chapter. After graduation, he started working at Rea and Derick, and spent most of his career at Mercy Hospital, Geisinger South Wilkes-Barre and with Commonwealth Health. He was the Director of Pharmacy at the Nanticoke Special Care Facility. He was also previously the president of Luzerne County Pharmaceutical Association and was a member of the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists.

Within Kappa Psi, he served on the International Executive Committee for 15 years and held the offices of: Graduate Member at large from 1983-1987, Grand Historian-Ritualist, Grand Counselor, Grand Vice Regent, and then as Grand Regent from 1993-1995.

Paul was remembered in the Winter 2015 edition of The MASK by Past Grand Regent David Maszkiewicz. He writes that Hiller was “one of the most devoted Brothers and truest friends I have ever known”. Coming from the same Province II, Maszkiewicz says that Hiller was an inspiration to everyone in the Province. Province II created a Brother of the Year Award in 1994 and named it the Paul J. Hiller award, even though he wasn’t exactly happy about that. Brother Maszkiewicz goes on to say that the greatest compliment Paul could give was “Atta Boy” and it was always verbal, never written.



John Grossomanides


Johnny W. Porter