40th GCC
40th Grand Council Convention
"Kappa Psi - A Self Analysis for the Second Century"
Detroit, Michigan
Sunday-Friday, August 16-21, 1981
Convention Chairman: Mr. William Smith, Dr. Frank Facione
Hosted By: Mu Omicron Pi, Detroit Graduate
Host Hotel: Hotel Pontchartrain
Attendance: Total Attendance: 125
93 Brothers (58 Collegiates & 35 Graduates), 32 Guests
35 Chapters (24 Collegiate & 11 Graduate), 8 Provinces
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. met at the Hotel Pontchartrain in Detroit, Michigan for the 40th Grand Council Convention from August 16 through August 21st, hosted by Mu Omicron Pi and the Detroit Graduate Chapter. The Convention Co-Chairmen were The Rt. Rev. Frank P. Facione and Mr. William R. Smith (Grand Counselor).
The convention was attended by 125 persons (58 collegiate brothers; 35 graduate brothers; 32 spouses, guests; and children), with an additional 64 collegiate and graduate brothers from the local Detroit area attending the 102nd Anniversary Banquet. Twenty-four collegiate chapters, 11 graduate chapters and 8 provinces were represented by either delegate or proxy.
Convention Summary
The convention started on Sunday night with a welcoming party held at the "Top of the Pontch" sponsored by the host chapters. Music was provided by the "Tailgate Ramblers."
The First General Session opened with the usual committee reports on Monday. The Keynote Address was given by Dr. Norman A. Campbell, "Kappa Psi: A Self Analysis for the Second Century." Lunch was at the "Top of the Pontch." The afternoon included workshops on "Chapter Finance, Management and House Development and Management", moderated by Dr. Leonard Naeger; "Rushing and Pledging the Contemporary Pharmacy Student" moderated by Dr. Benjamin Hershenson; and "Province Leadership and Programs", moderated by Dr. Patrick Wells. Continuing education offerings included "Clinical Aspects of Management of Hypertension" by Dr. Douglas A. Miller and "Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease" by Dr. Gregory S. Umstead. After dinner, the evening was devoted to the Legislative Hearing/Delegate Assembly.
The Second General Session (Tuesday) continued with more Executive Committee reports, reports from the various workshops and numerous announcements. Several panel discussions were held in the afternoon, “National Services and the Local Chapters" moderated by Dr. Robert A. Magarian; "The MASK and Other Publications" moderated by Rev. Frank P. Facione; "What a Graduate Chapter Should Be?" moderated by E. Ben Welch The third C.E. Program, the Drug Class of '1980-81 was presented by Dr. Leonard Naeger. The evening continued with two more panel discussions "Ritual Analysis - Demonstrations and Critique" moderated by Mr. John Atkinson, Jr., and "Kappa Psi - The Training Ground of Leadership for the Profession" moderated by Mr. Joseph Miletta and the fourth C.E. program "Practice Management" presented by Mr. Ted Gladson.
Wednesday was a day of relaxing and a tour of the Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum. The tour was sponsored by the host chapters with 35 taxis lined up at the hotel entrance at 8:00 A.M. They would also be lined up at the Museum at 5:00 P.M. to bring everyone back to the hotel. After some time to shower and get a bite to eat, there was a reception at "Le Cafe" that continued into Thursday morning.
The Third General Session (Thursday) continued with reports of various committees, among them the Legislative Committee, where a number of Constitutional amendments were passed.
The fourth general session took place in the afternoon with the majority of time being devoted to the introduction and election of officers.
The evening began with a lavish pool side Alpha Reception and concluded with a dance in the Terrace Room and music by "The American Scene". The 102nd Anniversary Dinner was held in the Hotel Ballroom. Mr. Michael A. Mone (Gamma Sigma) was presented the Frank H. Eby Award. Gamma Epsilon Chapter was presented the Scholarship Tray Award.
The fifth general session was held on Friday morning. Unfinished business, the report of the Resolutions Committee along with any new business were the highlights of this session. After the installation of the new officers and the closing ritual, the brothers headed home for a short break before going back to college.
Continuing Education and Workshops:
C.E. I: Clinical Aspects of Management of Hypertension
C.E. II: Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease
Workshop I: Chapter Finance, Management and House Development and Management
Workshop II: Rushing and Pledging the Contemporary Pharmacy Student
Workshop III: Province Leadership and Programs
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Dewey Garner
Grand Vice Regent: Patrick Wells
Grand Counselor: William Smith
Grand Historian-Ritualist: Leonard Naeger
Graduate Member at Large: E. Ben Welch
Collegiate Member at Large: David Dumochel
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Michael Mone (Gamma Sigma)
National Scholarship Tray Award: Gamma Epsilon
Legislation: Over thirty (30) Constitutional and By-Laws Amendments were submitted at the 40th Grand Council Convention. All were adopted with little or no discussion.
1. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, extend a note of sincere appreciation to Brother Frank P. Facione, the members of the General Convention Committee, Mu Omicron Pi, and the Detroit Graduate Chapter for their work in organizing this Grand Council Convention.PASSED
2. BE IT RESOLVED THAT; the 40th Grand Council, in session assembled, expresses its sincere appreciation to Brother Norman A. Campbell, Brother Benjamin Hershenson, Brother Leonard Naeger, Brother Patrick Wells, Brother Robert A. Magarian, Brother Frank P. Facione, Brother E. Ben Welch, Brother Joseph Miletta, Brother John Atkinson, Jr., Brother Ted Gladson, Brother Richard M. Doughty, Brother Douglas A Miller, and Brother Gregory S. Umstead for their contributions to the 40th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
3. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, acknowledges the efforts of the staff of the Hotel Ponchartrain in Detroit, Michigan for maintaining the services necessary for a successful 40th Grand Council Conventions. PASSED
4. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, expresses sincere appreciation to our Grand Regent, Dr. Dewey D. Garner, and his Executive Committee for their conscientious and dedicated service to our Fraternity during the past two years. PASSED
5. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, directs that a personal communication from the Grand Regent be sent to all living Past Grand Regents not in attendance at the 4th Grand Council Convention, expressing the Brothers' regrets for their absence, and requesting their continued interest in, and contribution to, future Fraternity endeavors. PASSED
6. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, express sincere appreciation to Brother Norman Kobayashi for his successful efforts in improving the quality and value of The MASK as the official organ of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity. PASSED
7. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, express sincere appreciation to Brother Anthony Palmieri, III for his successful efforts in improving the quality and value of The MASK as the official organ of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity. PASSED
8. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, express sincere appreciation to Brother Robert A. Magarian and his wife Charmaine Magarian, for their untiring efforts in improving the quality of operation of The Central Office of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity.PASSED
9. WHEREAS, the entire Fraternity is undertaking cost cutting measures, and, WHEREAS, the length of recent Grand Council Conventions has made lodging and lost work time expensive or impossible: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, instruct future Grand Council Convention Planning Committees to attempt to shorten the length of time between the opening and final business sessions. PASSED
10. WHEREAS, chapter visitations tend to enhance the exchange of ideas, and solve existing problems, between collegiate chapters and the National Fraternity; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct the Executive Committee to arrange a chapter visitation to each collegiate chapter between each Grand Council Convention. PASSED
11. WHEREAS, Past Grand Ritualist Richard M. Doughty has devoted many years of selfless service for the benefit of The Fraternity, and, WHEREAS, Brother Doughty's contribution to the work and perfection of the Ritual of Kappa Psi Fraternity can be termed truly monumental, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, elect Brother Richard M. Doughty Grand Ritualist Emeritus. PASSED
12. WHEREAS, the Executive Committee, having been reduced in number, while workload and responsibilities are constantly increasing, and WHEREAS, there is a need for the utilization of existing talent; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct the Executive Committee to implement a modest program of voluntary Field Secretaries to assist in the work of the Fraternity in limited geographical areas.FAILED
13. WHEREAS, it would appear that a significant number of chapters have chosen, for reasons unknown, not to be represented at the 40th Grand Council Convention; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct the Executive Committee to vigorously pursue the reasons for lack of representation: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: where it is determined that a chapter visitation may rectify the situation, said visitation shall be undertaken where possible. FAILED
14. WHEREAS, the beloved mother of First Grand Vice Regent Patrick Wells was called from this life during this week; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, on behalf of the entire Brotherhood of Kappa Psi extend its most heartfelt and sincere sympathy to our beloved Brother and his family in their bereavement. PASSED
15. WHEREAS, the Ritual of the Fraternity is a vital part of our Brotherhood, and WHEREAS, the Ritual is often unfamiliar to, and neglected by, the chapters: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct that the Ritual of Initiation and Opening and Closing Chapter Meetings be demonstrated during each Grand Council Convention, at a time during the program when no conflicting activities or sessions are scheduled. PASSED
16. WHEREAS, there is a definite lack of knowledge of the correct and proper usage of the official Regalia of Kappa Psi, and WHEREAS, Brother Richard M. Doughty is one of the most knowledgeable authorities on the proper usage of the Official Regalia: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct the Executive Committee to request Brother Doughty to prepare a written record of the proper usage of the official Regalia of The Fraternity, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Publications Committee determine the best route of distribution of this information on an ongoing basis. PASSED
17. WHEREAS, an updated list of alumni brothers' addresses is necessary to facilitate graduate development, and WHEREAS, graduate development is necessary for future financial stability: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct that the official pledge project for Kappa Psi pledges during the 1981 -1982 school year be an update of the Chapter's alumni address list which will then be forwarded to The Central Office. PASSED
18. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct that a letter of appreciation and proper certificate be sent to Dean Rodney D. Ice for the use of the facilities at the University of Oklahoma for The Central Office. PASSED
19. WHEREAS, the Century Club of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity has been financially beneficial: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, encourage the Brothers of Kappa Psi to join the Bicentennial Club. PASSED
20. WHEREAS, the Graduate Voluntary Dues Program has proven financially beneficial: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, encourage the Graduate Brothers to demonstrate continued support by contributing to the Fund for Progress. PASSED
21. WHEREAS, The History of Kappa Psi, by Brother Frank H. Eby, is the greatest source of information for the membership, and WHEREAS, this historical reference is out of print: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 40th Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct the Executive Committee to authorize an updated reprint of this publication at the earliest possible time. PASSED
Convention Favor
Red Deck of Playing Cards
Embossed with the Coat-of-Arms and GCC date in silver
The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:
Ciba-Geigy, Ascot Hospital Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly, Marion Laboratories, Parke Davis Division of Warner Lambert, Smith, Kline and French Laboratories, The Upjohn Company
Convention Trivia or Notable Facts
David Dumochel (Pi) was the first collegian elected into the new office of Collegiate Member-at-Large.
Program of Events
Monday, August 17th
8:00am Registration
9:00am First General Session
12:30pm Lunch - "Top of the Ponch"
2:00pm Workshop I - Chapter Finance Mangmnt,
House Develpmnt and Mangmnt
2:00pm CE Program I
3:00pm Workshop II - Rushing and Pledging and
the Contemporary Pharmacy Student
4:00pm Workshop III - Province Leadership & Programs
7:30pm Legislative Hearing
Tuesday, August 18th
8:00am Registration
9:00am Second General Session
12:30pm Lunch - at Your Leisure
2:00pm Workshop IV -National Services & the Local Chapter
2:00pm CE Program II - The Drug Class 1980-81
3:00pm Workshop V -The MASK & Other Publications
4:00pm Workshop VI - What a Graduate Chapter Should Be
7:30pm Ritual Analysis - Demonstration & Critique
7:30pm CE Program III - Practice Management
8:30pm Kappa Psi - The Training Ground of Leadership for the Profession
Wednesday, August 19th
8:00am Transportation to Greenfield Village
9:00am Tour (lunch on your own at Greenfield Village)
9:00pm Reception Party - LeCafe
Thursday, August 20th
9:00am Third General Session
12:30pm Lunch at Your Leisure
2:00pm Fourth General Session
7:00pm Alpha Chapter Reception
9:00pm 102nd Anniversary Dinner
Friday, August 21st
9:00am Fifth General Session
1:00pm Exec. Committee Meeting
Program of Events for Spouses and Children
The spouses and children took a bus to Meadowbrook Hall on Monday where they toured and enjoyed lunch. Then they were off to Cranbrook Institute for a tour and program..
Tuesday the group boarded taxis for the Detroit Science Center and Cultural Center. After this it was over to the Detroit Institute of Arts for a tour and lunch. Lunch was followed by a tour of the Historical Museum, then back to the hotel for some much needed rest.
Wednesday, the spouses and children joined the brothers for the tour of Greenfield Village. Thursady & Friday were reserved for shopping, self-guided tours and to kick back and relax.