41st GCC

41st Grand Council Convention

"This One's for You!"

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Wednesday-Sunday, August 10-14, 1983

Convention Chairman: Dr. E. Ben Welch, Mr. J. Michael Deweese

Hosted By: Gamma Xi, South Carolina Graduate

Host Hotel: Landmark Hotel

Attendance: Total Attendance: 191

156 Brothers (102 Collegiates & 54 Graduates), 35 Guests
65 Chapters (46 Collegiate & 19 Graduate), 8 Provinces


Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. met at the Landmark Resort Motel in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the 41st Grand Council Convention from August 10 through August 14th, hosted by Gamma Xi and the South Carolina Graduate Chapter. The Convention Co-Chairmen were Mr. E. Ben Welch (Graduate Member-at-Large) and Mr. Michael Deweese (South Carolina Graduate Chapter).

The convention was attended by 191 persons (102 collegiate brothers; 54 graduate brothers; 28 spouses & guests; and 7 children), making it one of the largest attended Kappa Psi Conventions on record. Forty six collegiate chapters, 19 graduate chapters and 8 provinces were represented by either delegate or proxy.

Convention Program

Grand Regent Address

Convention Summary 

The convention started on Wednesday night with a "Welcome to the Grand Strand" party held at pool side sponsored by the host chapters. The festivities lasted well into Thursday morning, as was witnessed by all the sunglasses at the First General Session.

The usual committee reports were given during the First General Session (Thursday). The Keynote Address was given by Mr. Wilson Cain, R.Ph., a prominent Myrtle Beach pharmacist and entrepreneur. The afternoon included workshops on The Ritual Demonstration, by Professor Richard M. Doughty, Grand Ritualist Emeritus; Articles for the MASK, by Dr. Anthony Palmieri III and Mr. William R. Smith; and Pledge Programs Panel Discussion, moderated by Mu Chapter. Continuing education offerings included Positioning a New OTC Entry by Mr. Ted Gladson and Patient Education in Action, by Mr. Steve Farmer (Pharmacy Relations, Roche Laboratories). After dinner, the evening was devoted to the Legislative Hearing/Delegate Assembly and Local Chapter Ordinances Workshop.

The Second General Session (Friday) continued with more Executive Committee reports, reports from the various workshops and numerous announcements. Dr. Leonard Naeger presented the third C.E. Program, "The Drug Class of '83". At the same time, the collegiates attended workshops on Rushing and Graduate Chapters.

The afternoon was free for the brothers to enjoy the many varied activities, with a number of them going on the deep-sea fishing cruise (be sure to ask Johnny Porter about his FISH). Many brothers chose to hang out at the pool and enjoy the beach sites.

Later that night, many brothers took advantage of the miniature golf that was offered by Mr. Roddy Williams, a partner of Mr. Wilson Cain and owner of numerous businesses in Myrtle Beach. Brother Williams closed one of his golf courses at midnight and then made it available for the brothers, many of whom were still playing at 3 a.m.

The Third General Session (Saturday) found many sunburned brothers in attendance listening to reports from the various committees. After the Third Session, "You and Your Medication", the slide show and Kappa Psi Professional Project developed by Gamma Omicron, was presented for the brothers. Copies will be available through The Central Office for other chapters to use.

After the unfinished business concerning resolutions was concluded, the candidates for Grand Officers were introduced and elections held. That evening, the 103rd Anniversary Dinner was held in the Grand Strand Ballroom, where the brothers feasted on a seafood buffet consisting of fried shrimp, fried oysters, fried flounder, deviled crab, french fries, hushpuppies and tossed salad.

By resolution, the 41st Grand Council Convention conferred its highest accolade, the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Grand Council Citation of Appreciation, on Grand Regent Dr. Dewey D. Garner and Executive Director, Dr. Robert A. Magarian for the fiscal policies instituted for the Fraternity from 1979-83. Also, by resolution, the Executive Committee was directed to prepare recommendations for separating the duties of Grand Historian-Ritualist into two distinct offices.

Sunday, the brothers said good-bye to Myrtle Beach and each other, while the new Executive Committee met in the Gazebo Room. Many new friendships were made and many more renewed at Myrtle Beach. The brothers agreed that future Grand Council Conventions should be held in resort areas in order to increase participation

Continuing Education and Workshops

C.E. I: Positioning a New O.T.C. Entry

C.E. II: Patient Education in Action

Workshop I: Ritual Demonstration

Workshop II: Articles for The MASK

Workshop III: Pledge Programs Panel Discussion

Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections

Grand Regent: Patrick Wells

Grand Vice Regent: E. Ben Welch

Grand Counselor: William Smith

Grand Historian-Ritualist: Leonard Naeger

Graduate Member at Large: Paul Hiller

Collegiate Member at Large: John Grossomanides

Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights

Frank H. Eby Award: Christopher Roos (Mu Omicron Pi)

National Scholarship Tray Award: Upsilon

Grand Council Citations of Appreciation were presented to Dr. Dewey D. Garner and Dr. Robert Magarian


 1.    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, extend a note of sincere appreciation to Brothers E. Ben Welch, Michael Deweese, the members of the General Convention Committee, Gamma Xi, and the South Carolina Graduate Chapter for their work in organizing this Grand Council Convention. PASSED

2.    BE IT RESOLVED THAT; the 41st Grand Council, in session assembled, expressed its sincere appreciation to Brother Richard M. Doughty, Brother William R. Smith, Brother Anthony Palmieri, Brother Ted Gladsen, Brother Leonard Naeger, Brother Steve Farmer, Brother Michael Deweese, and Brother Wilson Cain for their contributions to the 41st Grand Council Convention. PASSED

3.    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, acknowledges the efforts of the staff of the Landmark Hotel in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for maintaining the services necessary for a successful 41st Grand Council Convention. PASSED

4.    WHEREAS, the fiscal policies instituted by Brother Dewey D. Garner (Grand Regent 1979-1983), and Brother Robert A. Magarian (Executive Director 1980-1983) have resulted in a dramatic improvement in the financial position of the Fraternity, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, recognizes its inestimable debt of gratitude and gratefully profers its highest accolade, THE KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY GRAND COUNCIL CITATION OF APPRECIATION to these deserving and esteemed Brothers, and that a Committee of Distinguished Brothers be appointed to compose proper wording, consistent with the spirit of this resolution, for the above stated Citation, and to select an appropriate forum for formal presentation at a future date, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity extends its most sincere and warm appreciation to Barbara Garner and Charmaine Magarian for so kindly and generously sharing their husband's time with our beloved Order, and hereby directs the newly elected Grand Regent to compose, issue, and dispatch a letter of Official Recognition to each of these gracious ladies, consistent with the spirit of this resolution. PASSED

5.    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, directs that a personal communication from the Grand Regent be sent to all living Past Grand Regents not in attendance at the 41st Grand Council Convention, expressing the Brothers' regrets for their absence, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, directs the Executive Committee to institute the appropriate measures to utilize the talents and expertise of the members of the Advisory Committee at future Grand Council Conventions. PASSED

6.    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, express sincere appreciation to Brother Anthony Palmieri, III, and those who assist him, for their continuing successful efforts in improving the quality and value of The MASK as the official organ of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity. PASSED

7.    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct that a letter of appreciation and proper certificate be sent to Dean H. Richard Shough for the use of the facilities at the University of Oklahoma for The Central Office. PASSED

8.    BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Editor of The MASK recognize, in an appropriate fashion, those chapters and/or Historians that he deems have significantly contributed to the history of the Fraternity through their noteworthy submissions to The MASK. PASSED

9.    WHEREAS, a change in the tax exempt status of the Fraternity is desirable, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Director, at his discretion, call upon the Brothers to express to their Congressmen their views on the subject. PASSED

10.  WHEREAS, a national professional project would enhance the image of Kappa Psi, as well as promote fellowship and Brotherhood on the national level, and since "YOU AND YOUR MEDICATIONS" was judged the best professional project submitted, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, declare this program an official nationally sponsored professional project to be made available to all Chapters, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Collegiate Member-at-Large be responsible for the coordination and promotion of this project. PASSED

11.  BE IT RESOLVED THAT: each Chapter of Kappa Psi be encouraged to recognize, annually, those Brothers who are serving or who have served on the Executive Committee of the Grand Council. PASSED

12.  WHEREAS, the office of Grand Historian-Ritualist encompasses two different spheres of responsibility, and WHEREAS, as additional seat on the Executive Committee of the Grand Council would enhance further leadership development, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct the Legislative Committee to conduct a study and prepare appropriate recommendations for presentation at the 1984 meeting of the Executive Committee to separate the duties of Grand Historian-Ritualist into two distinct offices. PASSED

13.  BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 41st Grand Council, in convention assembled, encourage national pharmacy organizations to conduct a study of methods to decrease the abuse of Schedule V preparations. PASSED

14.  WHEREAS, during the year 1982 over fifty (50) pharmacists were murdered in the United States by felons attempting to gain narcotics and other "Scheduled" drugs, and WHEREAS, increasingly more stringent security measures now being implemented by some pharmacists, merely to protect their own lives, tend to remove or make less accessible the pharmacist from the general public, thereby diminishing the traditional patient-pharmacist contact/relationship, and WHEREAS, there is currently proposed legislation under consideration that would make the above heinous activities a "Federal Felony", THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity whole-heartedly endorses and supports the efforts of the various Pharmaceutical Associations to make the above a "Federal Felony", establishing the most stringent, rigorously exacting, severe penalties possible, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity urges its Members to offer any assistance possible to the Pharmaceutical Associations in implementing Proposed Federal Legislation, and additionally encourages its Members to make their votes known to their Congressman. PASSED

Convention Favor

Commemorative Pewter Plate

Program of Events 


Wednesday, August 10th

Noon   Registration

Noon    Exec. Committee and Wives Luncheon

1:30pm    Exec. Committee Meeting

7:30pm   Welcoming Party - Poolside


Thursday, August 11th

8:00am       Registration

9:00am      First General Session

Noon       Lunch

2:00pm       Workshop I - Ritual Demonstration

3:30pm       Workshop II

3:30pm       C.E. Program I

4:30pm      Workshop III

5:30pm      Dinner

7:00pm      C.E. Program II

9:00pm       Legislative Hearing


Friday, August 12th

8:00am      Registration

9:00am      Second General Session

11:00am   C.E. Program III

11:00am   Workshop IV

Noon       Workshop V

1:00      Free Afternoon


Saturday, August 13th

8:00       Registration

9:00am      Third General Session

Noon       Lunch

2:00pm       Fourth General Sesison

8:00pm      103rd Anniversary Dinner


Sunday, August 14th

9:00am       Exec. Committee Meeting

Noon       Exec. Committee Luncheon

2:00pm      Exec. Committee Meeting resumes

Program of Events for Spouses and Children

The spouses and children took a bus to Waccamaw Pottery and Factory Outlet Shopping Park on Thursday. Friday was reserved to enjoy the local attractions. Saturday morning, they ventured to Brookgreen Gardens and Pawleys Island to enjoy the sights, the smells, and most of all, the seafood.


42nd GCC


40th GCC