47th GCC
47th Grand Council Convention
"Escape to the Cape"
North Falmouth, Massachusetts
Tuesday-Sunday, August 8-13, 1995
Convention Chairman: Mr. Michael Graubart
Hosted By: Beta Epsilon, Providence Graduate
Host Hotel: Sea Crest Oceanfront Resort & Conference Center
Attendance: Total Attendance: 336
292 Brothers (167 Collegiates & 125 Graduates), 44 Guests
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity met at the Sea Crest Oceanfront Resort in North Falmouth, Massachusetts for the 47th Grand Council Convention from August 8 through August 12th, sponsored by Beta Epsilon and Providence Graduate Chapter. The Convention Chairman was Mr. Michael Graubart (Providence Grad). The convention was attended by 336 persons (167 collegiates, 125 grads, 33 spouses, and 11 children), making it the largest attended Kappa Psi Convention on record to date.
Convention Summary
At the opening general session, after the opening ritual, Grand Regent Paul Hiller and GCC Chairman Michael Graubart welcomed the brothers to the 47th GCC. Dr. James T. Doluisio, Dean of the University of Texas College of Pharmacy then gave an inspiring keynote address to the Grand Council. Following other words of welcome and announcements, the brothers enjoyed a New England Clam bake with clams, lobsters, and other dishes.
On Wednesday morning, the brothers were treated to a continental breakfast sponsored by Provinces II & III. During the second general session, the Grand Agora ceremony was conducted, honoring our brothers who had passed away since the last GCC. Following roll call and some announcements, individual province reports were given, a new addition to the GCC. Closing out the session were the Officer and committee reports. Following lunch, three workshops and two C.E. programs were held. The brothers took a dinner break and then resumed for the Legislative hearings. Later that night, Gamma Eta hosted the second "Grizzly Party."
The brothers were again treated to a continental breakfast on Thursday morning, sponsored by Brooks/Maxi Drug. More reports dominated the third general session. Two workshops and two C.E. programs were conducted before lunch. The first GCC Golf Tournament was then held at the Ballymead Country Club. That evening, the brothers got together for the ever popular desert/ice cream social.
Friday morning opened with a Grand Council Deputy Breakfast for all G.C.D's in attendance and another continental breakfast for the brothers sponsored by Province VII. Workshop reports were presented during the fourth general session. One more workshop and another C.E. program were presented before lunch. In the afternoon, the brothers enjoyed the volleyball tournament and a Job Placement Fair. That night, Larry Olszewki and Carol Sznyter held their engagement party.
Following a continental breakfast sponsored by Providence Graduate Chapter, the fifth general session got under way. There was a standing ovulation following the announcement that this was the largest GCC on record, with 336 registrants. The resolutions were then discussed and voted on.
After roll call and the introduction of the candidates for international offices, the brothers elected the new slate of officers that would lead Kappa Psi for the next two years. The Alpha Chapter Reception preceded the 116th Anniversary and Awards Banquet. The Kappa Psi Foundation presented its first two scholarships of $500 each. All registrants received a copy of The History of Kappa Psi as a convention favor. Following the banquet, the brothers enjoyed an evening of dancing to the sound of "Ricochet."
Prior to their departure, the brothers were treated to another continental breakfast, sponsored by Province V. The brothers then began to make their way back to their hometowns, secure in the knowledge that they had served the Fraternity well in their week-long adventure and that the next two years will be filled with opportunities to take advantage and memories to sustain us until we meet again in two years in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Continuing Education and Workshops
C.E. I: Management of Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter and the Issue of Anticoagulation
C.E. II: New Drugs, Classical and Contemporary Pharmacology
C.E. III: Insulin and Insulin Analogues, Pharmacology, Use and New Horizons in the Delay and Cure of Diabetes
C.E. IV: Recent Court Decisions and Their Impact on Pharmacy Practice
C.E. V: Schering Report XVI
Workshop I: Parliamentary Procedure
Workshop II: Graduate Development
Workshop III: Ritual (live demonstration by Delta Lambda)
Workshop IV: Rushing/Pledging
Workshop V: The MASK
Workshop VI: Risk Management
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: John Grossomanides
Grand Vice Regent: Brian Furbush
Grand Counselor: Brian Reisetter
Grand Historian: Craig Johnston
Grand Ritualist: Tim Eley
Graduate Member at Large: Sean Higgins
Collegiate Member at Large: Peter Boldingh
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Tim Eley (Gamma Phi)
National Scholarship Tray Award: Beta Nu
Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Beta Psi
Beta Kappa won the Industry Scholarship Award, along with Beta Psi. Gamma Zeta won the 1995 Outstanding Chapter Award
The convention voted to increase Collegiate dues from $30.00 to $34.00/year and Graduate Brother dues from $25.00 to $35.00/year. Various awards given by the fraternity were named after distinguished past brothers. Several amendments concerning proxies were defeated.
1. WHERAS, all members of the Executive Committee have devoted considerable time and effort, and WHERAS, the wheel was not reinvented and the Order is still afloat, BE IT RESOLVED, thanks be given to the Grand Regent Paul Hiller and members of the Executive Committee for their two years of outstanding service to our Fraternity. PASSED
2. WHEREAS, all brothers make a tremendous effort to attend, and WHERAS, attendance to the Grand Council Convention involves both monetary and personal sacrifice, BE IT RESOLVED, we thank all those in attendance at the 47th Grand Council Convention in North Falmouth, Massachusetts. PASSED
3. WHERAS, a lot of personal time and sacrifice was put forth by the Convention Chairman, and WHERAS, without his diligent effort and devotion to our great Brotherhood, BE IT RESOLVED, we thank Brother Michael Graubart, for excelling as Convention Chairman at the 47th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
4. WHERAS, the 47th Grand Council Convention has been a resounding success, and WHEREAS, the Convention Committee carefully planned the activities and events of the convention to renew the spirit and brotherhood among the participants, BE IT RESOLVED, we thank the members of the 47th Grand Council Convention Committee for orchestrating the most attended Grand Council Convention in the history of Kappa Psi. PASSED
5. WHERAS, hotel accommodations and meeting facilities are the key to a successful meeting, BE IT RESOLVED, the 47th Grand Council Convention in session assembled acknowledges the efforts of the staff of the Sea Crest Oceanfront resort and Conference Center in North Falmouth, Massachusetts for maintaining the services necessary for a successful Grand Council Convention. PASSED
6. WHERAS, the Order appreciates the advice and guidance of Past Grand Regents, and WHERAS, the continued attendance exemplifies devotion to our Fraternity, BE IT RESOLVED, the Brothers of Kappa Psi attending the 47th Grand Council Convention formally acknowledge and thank the attending Past Grad Regents for the rich heritage, unselfish devotion and noble traditions they have maintained, developed and handed down to their successors. PASSED
7. WHERAS, the Order recognizes the outstanding commitment and support to the Collegiate Chapters from many of the Grand Council Deputies, BE IT RESOLVED, we thank those Grand Council Deputies who are currently fulfilling their duties. PASSED
8. WHERAS, the Graduate Development Committee has developed the criteria for a Graduate Brother Award and a Graduate Chapter Award, BE IT RESOLVED, these awards be in place for the 48th Grand Council Convention. PASSED
9. WHERAS, a Grand Council Deputy's duties are vital to the promotion and growth of individual Collegiate Chapters, and WHERAS, no method is currently in use to ensure that each Grand Council Deputy is fulfilling the obligations of their office, BE IT RESOLVED, that Grand Regent appoint a committee to monitor the dissemination and utilization of all correspondence sent by the Central Office to the Grand Council Deputies. PASSED
10. WHERAS, all team events successfully bring Brothers together, and WHERAS, greater participation may be achieved at team events, BE IT RESOLVED, teams are assigned randomly to allow further interaction between the Brothers of Kappa Psi. FAILED
11. WHERAS, chapters have different ideas to promote Kappa Psi, BE IT RESOLVED, the Executive Committee provide an avenue for chapters to sell items at the Grand Council Convention. PASSED
12. WHERAS, the financial obligation of chapters is ever increasing, and WHERAS, there is no forum for allowing chapters to sell merchandise at the Grand Council Convention, BE IT RESOLVED, the Executive Committee serving from 1995-1997 examine a proper forum or method for allowing chapters attending the 48th Grand Council Convention, and those Grand Council Conventions to follow, to sell Kappa Psi merchandise to help defray the cost of attending the Grand Council Convention without compromising or interfering with the intent or business of the meeting. FAILED
13. WHERAS, chapters have different ideas of promoting Kappa Psi, and WHERAS, the financial obligations of chapters is ever increasing, and WHERAS, there is no official policy to allow the sale of Kappa Psi memorabilia at the Grand Council Convention, and WHERAS, the sale of merchandise may disrupt the General Session and conduction of business, BE IT RESOLVED, a policy be made whereby chapters can sell Kappa Psi merchandise, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, no merchandise be sold thirty (30) minutes prior to or during the General Session. FAILED
Convention Favor
The History of Kappa Psi Book
Written by Dewey D. Garner
The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:
Platinum Level ($2,000+): CVS Pharmacy, Glaxo Pharmaceuticals, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Schein Pharmaceutical, Gold Level ($1,000-$2,000): Bristol-Myers Squibb/Apothecon Pharmaceuticals, Nova Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Silver Level ($500-$999): Astra USA, Inc., Brooks-Douglas MaxiDrug Pharmacy, Dupont Pharma, Eli Lilly and Co., Merck & Company, Inc., Ohmeda Pharmaceutical Products Division, Providence Graduate Chapter, Province V, Sanofi Winthrop Pharmaceuticals, G. D. Searle and Company, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Bronze Level ($100-$499): Beta Epsilon Chapter, Marion Merrell Dow, Inc., Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., New York Graduate Chapter, Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation, Pittsburgh Graduate Chapter, Pfizer Labs, Roerig & Pratt Pharmaceuticals Divisions' of Pfizer, Inc., Provinces II, Province III, Schering-Plough Corporation, The Upjohn Company, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
Program of Events
Tuesday, August 8th
9:00am Registration - Lobby
9:00am Exec. Committee Meeting
Noon Exec. Committee Luncheon
1:00pm Exec. Committee Meeting
6:00pm Opening General Session
8:00pm Welcoming Party - New England Clam Bake
Wednesday, August 9th
8:00am Registration - Lobby
8:00am Continental Breakfast
9:00am Second General Session
Noon Lunch - Patio I & II
1:00pm Workshop I - Parliamentary Procedure
2:00pm Workshop II - Graduate Development
3:00pm Workshop III - Rutual (live demonstration)
4:00pm C.E. Program I
5:00pm C.E. Program II
6:00pm Dinner (on your own)
7:00pm Legislative Hearing
Thursday, August 10th
8:00am Continental Breakfast
9:00am Registration - Lobby
9:00am Third General Session
10:00am Workshop IV - Rushing/Pledging
10:00am CE Program III
11:00am Workshop V - The MASK
11:00am C. E. Program IV
Noon Lunch (on your own)
12:30pm Golf Tournament - Ballymeade Country Club
8:00pm Dessert/Ice Cream Social
Friday, August 11th
7:00am Grand Council Deputy Breakfast
9:00am Registration - Lobby
9:00am Fourth General Session
10:00am Workshop VI - Risk Management
10:00am C. E. Program V
11:00am Lunch (on your own)
Noon Volleyball Tournament
3:00pm Job Placement Fair - Monomory
7:00pm Graduate & Benefactor's Reception
Saturday, August 12th
8:00am Continental Breakfast
9:00am Registration - Lobby
9:00am Fifth General Sesison
Noon Lunch (on your own)
1:00pm Sixth General Session
6:30pm Alpha Chapter Reception
7:30pm 116th Anniversary and Awards Banquet
Sunday, August 13th
8:00am Continental Breakfast
9:00am Exec. Committee Meeting
Noon Exec. Committee Luncheon
1:30pm Exec. Committee Meeting