48th GCC
48th Grand Council Convention
"Taking Responsibility for the Future"
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Tuesday-Sunday, August 5-10, 1997
Convention Chairman: Mr. Brian Furbush
Hosted By: Gamma Xi, South Carolina Graduate
Host Hotel: Landmark Hotel (Previous Host of 41st GCC)
Attendance: Total Attendance: 440
397 Brothers (255 Collegiates & 142 Graduates), 43 Guests
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. came back -- after a fourteen-year absence -- to the Landmark Hotel and Beach Resort in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for the 48th Grand Council Convention. The convention was held from August 5th through August 9th and was sponsored by Gamma Xi and the South Carolina Graduate Chapter. The Convention Chairman was Mr. Brian Furbush (Providence Grad). The convention was the largest on record to date and was attended by 440 persons (255 Collegiates, 142 Graduates, 43 Spouses, children, and guests.
Convention Summary By Tim Eley
“Taking Responsibility for the Future” served as the theme for the 48th Grand Council Convention which met at the Landmark Resort Hotel, marking the second time the convention had come not only to Myrtle Beach, but also the Landmark. The 41st G.C.C. had also been held there in 1983. Events began a day early as the Frist Annual Medi-Span Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament was held on Monday, August 4. Approximately 15 early arrivals participated in this event. Registration began the following morning, August 5, and continued until the opening general session began at 6 pm that evening. The International Officers were introduced by the Convention Parliamentarian, Past Grand Regent, Norman Campbell. Following the opening Golden Bow Ritual, performed by Grand Ritualist Tim Eley, the convention was called to order by Grand Regent, John Grossomanides, who also gave some welcoming remarks. Past Grand Regent and Dean of the College of Pharmacy at the University of Mississippi, Ken Roberts, delivered the keynote address, noting his pleasure with and expounding upon our choice of convention theme. After the introduction of candidates for international office, the meeting adjourned until the following day so that everyone could enjoy and find out exactly what a “low country pig pickin” was. A southern style barbecue awaited the hungry brothers as they took advantage of their first chance to interact with all other attendees.
The following day, a continental breakfast provided by Province V awaited the brothers so that they could start their day off right. In the second general session, the Grand Agora Memorial Exercise was the first order of business for the new day as we said farewell to those brothers who had passed away over the last two years. After a morning of officer and committee reports, the Executive Committee unveiled a new wrinkle in the order of business by having the first Kappa Psi awards luncheon, thereby freeing up more time for the closing banquet. The Outstanding Chapter of the Year turned out to be Gamma Eta at the University of Montana. Awards were given to the outstanding chapters in each Province. Pacific Graduate chapter became the first winner of the Outstanding Graduate Chapter of the Year Award. Amy Daugherty of Delta Epsilon Chapter at Duquesne University was recognized as the recipient of the Frank H. Eby Award. Gamma Kappa Chapter at South Dakota State University was awarded the Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award. Dr. Norm Campbell awarded the Kappa Psi Foundation Scholarships to the following brothers: John K. Boston (Gamma Delta), Marci Catalano (Delta Epsilon), Brett Fallaw (Iota), Donna Lynn (Gamma Pi), Jeanie Holovnia (Gamma Eta), and Patricia Ryder (Beta Pi). Two special Grand Council Citations of Appreciation went to Drs. E. Ben Welch and Ed O. Magarian for their efforts on the website and database, respectively. Numerous workshops and continuing education opportunities awaited the brothers later that afternoon. Graduate Member-at- Large, Sean Higgins, moderated a workshop on Graduate Development, Collegiate Member-at-Large, Peter Boldingh, led a workshop on Rushing and Pledging, editor of The MASK, Johnny Porter, led a workshop on the quarterly magazine of our fraternity, and Grand Ritualist, Tim Eley, moderated the Ritual workshop at which brothers from Gamma Epsilon and Beta Nu chapters performed the ritual of initiation live and in ceremonial garb. Brother Marc Benarducci offered continuing education entitled “Pharmacy on the Internet.” After dinner, Grand Counselor Brian Reisetter chaired an open meeting of the Legislative Committee, at which proposed by-law changes were discussed. Later that evening, the brothers of the recently chartered Montana Graduate Chapter sponsored a party better known as the “Grizzly Party.” Food and entertainment were provided, and the event lasted well into the night.
The following day, Thursday, August 7, Provinces I and II provided a continental breakfast for their brothers before the brief third general session. After a recap of the previous day’s workshops and C.E., the meeting adjourned until the next day as more C.E. and workshops were available to the brothers later that morning. Lou Diorio’s wife Kathi, gave a workshop on financial planning for pharmacists, and Dr. Jenny Matt presented a C.E. on “Developments in Epilepsy.” That afternoon the Kappa Psi Golf Tournament took place at Myrtle Beach National Country Club. Gamma Xi chapter had the winning team at nine under par. After dinner, the dessert/ice cream social gave brothers a chance to satisfy their sweet tooth.
Early the next morning, Friday August 8, the Grand Council Deputy breakfast was held which gave the G.C.D.s in attendance and the Executive Committee a chance to exchange ideas and concerns. This event was followed by a continental breakfast sponsored by the brothers of Province III and VIII. The fourth general session allowed a recap of the previous day’s events and workshops. Later that morning, the History workshop was moderated jointly by Grand Historian Emeritus, Dr. Dewey Garner and Grand Historian, Dr. Craig Johnston. The recently completed history slide show was presented and a number of precious Kappa Psi artifacts were available for viewing. Editor of The MASK Emeritus and Chair of the Risk Management Committee, Dr. Anthony Palmieri, III, presented a workshop on risk management. Opposite the workshops, Dr. Norm Campbell presented a C.E. entitled “Pharmacy Law,” and Dr. Ed Sypniewski presented a C.E. on “Diabetes Management.” That afternoon, a softball tournament was held. A team composed of South Carolina brothers defeated both the East and West teams. After dinner, the Graduate and Benefactors Reception gave fraternity members a chance to thank those who had given generously to the Fraternity.
Saturday morning, August 9, a continental breakfast sponsored by Province VII greeted the brothers attending the fifth general session. After reports on the workshops of the previous day, Grand Counselor Brian Reisetter gave the recommendations of the Legislative Committee regarding the proposed by-law changes followed by the action of the assembly. Notable changes in our by-laws include having a new chapter absorb all the costs associated with the making of their new charter, and GCC proxies in the future will have to be on the official form. During the sixth general session after lunch, the chair of the Resolutions Committee, Dr. Jenny Matt, presented their report. Notable resolutions thanked the Executive Committee, all attendees, the Landmark, and especially Convention Chairman, Brian Furbush, and co-hosts Gamma Xi and South Carolina Graduate Chapters. A resolution passed to have a group photograph taken of all attendees at each GCC beginning with the next GCC. After a final introduction of the candidates, the election of international officers ensued. The following brothers were elected to serve as members of Alpha Chapter for the coming two years: Grand Regent, Brian Furbush; Grand Vice Regent, Brian Reisetter; Grand Counselor, Dr. Craig Johnston; Grand Historian, Tim Eley; Grand Ritualist David Dunson; Graduate Member-at-Large, David Maszkiewicz; and Collegiate Member-at-Large, Marquette Hardin. John Grossomanides will return as the immediate Past Grand Regent. Marquette Hardin has the distinction of being the first female brother to serve on the Executive Committee.
The Alpha Chapter Reception immediately preceded the 116th Anniversary Banquet. After dinner, outgoing Grand Regent, John Grossomanides, addressed the crowd and reminisced about being first elected to the Executive Committee the last time Kappa Psi came to Myrtle Beach. Newly-elected Grand Regent, Brian Furbush, followed with emotional remarks about reaching this milestone in his life. Executive Director, Robert Magarian, presented each member of the outgoing executive committee with a plaque thanking them for their service—including a special one just for John Grossomanides. At the conclusion of these presentations, outgoing Grand Regent, John Grossomanides, installed the new Executive Committee into their respective offices amidst a flurry of flashbulbs, new Grand Ritualist, David Dunson, performed the closing Golden Bow Ritual, and new Grand Regent, Brian Furbush, and adjourned the 48th GCC. An evening of music and dancing commenced afterwards, and the festivities once again lasted on into the early morning.
Collegiate brothers received a copy of The History of Kappa Psi, and graduate brothers received a pewter plate commemorating the convention as favors. Each chapter was given a copy of the newly-printed Agora. More importantly, all brothers came away with a new sense of brotherhood and enthusiasm they couldn’t wait to share with their local brothers back home. If this convention is any indication, Kappa Psi is definitely on a roll, and the future looks bright as long as we “take responsibility for” it. The 49th GCC site has already been set: Kalispell, Montana. A preview shown at Myrtle Beach was met with tumultuous applause. Let’s all plan ahead so that the next GCC will be the best one yet.
Continuing Education and Workshops
C.E. I: Pharmacy on the Internet
C.E. II: Developments in Epilepsy
C.E. III: Diabetes Management
C.E. IV: Pharmacy Law
Workshop I: Graduate Development
Workshop II: The MASK
Workshop III: Rituals (live demonstration by Gamma Epsilon)
Workshop IV: Rushing and Pledging
Workshop V: Financial Planning for the Pharmacist
Workshop VI: History of Kappa Psi
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Brian Furbush
Grand Vice Regent: Brian Reisetter
Grand Counselor: Craig Johnston
Grand Historian: Tim Eley
Grand Ritualist: David Dunson
Graduate Member at Large: David Maszkiewicz
Collegiate Member at Large: Marquette Hardin
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Amy Daugherty (Delta Epsilon)
National Scholarship Tray Award: Gamma Kappa
Citations of Appreciation were awarded to Dr. E. Ben Welch, Kappa Psi Webmaster, and to Dr. Edward O. Magarian, for Central Office Database Software.
The following legislation PASSED:
· Graduate Delegates must pay their Graduate dues before they can vote.
· The cost of a new charter was increased to cover the actual cost incurred by the Central Office.
· Proxies are to be submitted only on the Official Proxy Form.
The following legislation FAILED:
· To increase the Graduate Chapter yearly dues from $100 to $125.
· Any brother running for national office must pay their dues before they can run.
· Proxies shall be notarized.
· Give one vote to brothers who are not members of the Executive Committee, if they
The following legislation WITHDRAWN:
· To establish the office of Grand Regent-elect.
Convention Favor
Commemorative Pewter Plate
The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:
Platinum Level ($5,000+): Bayer Coporation, Glaxo Wellcome Inc., Gold Level ($1,000-$4,999): Hoechst-Marion-Roussel, Pfizer Labs, Roerig and Pratt Pharmaceutical Divisions, Silver Level ($300 - $999): American Drug Stores, Astra USA Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim, CVS Pharmacy, Merck & Company Inc., Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals, Provinces V & VII, Bronze Level ($100 - $299): Schering Laboratories/Key Pharmaceuticals, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, Provinces I, II, III & VIII
Convention Trivia or Notable Facts
E. Ben Welch & son, Edward Welch become the first father and son duo to run for international office at the same GCC.
Ms. Marquette Hardin becomes the first elected female to the Executive Committee of Kappa Psi (Ms. Rebecca Fahrenbruch later becomes the first elected female Grand Officer at the 51st GCC.).