52nd GCC
52nd Grand Council Convention
"Seeing the Possibilities"
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August 9-13, 2005
Convention Chairman: Mr. David Maszkiewicz
Hosted By: Beta Kappa, Delta Epsilon, Pittsburgh Graduate
Host Hotel: Sheraton at Station Square
Attendance: Total Attendance: 353
331 Brothers (208 Collegiates & 123 Graduates), 23 Guests
Convention Committees and Officials
Credentials: Mike Sherry - Chair, Robert Hope, Paul Cyprus, Robert Cluxton
Resolutions: Craig Johnston - Chair, Adam Gregg, Scott Bergman, Majed Fackih, Tracy Anderson-Haag
Raffle: Mike Starvaggi - Chair, Tracy Anderson-Haag, Paul Cyprus, Becky Fahrenbruch
Ad Book: David Maszkiewicz, Scott Long, Scott Long, Meagan Mathews
Registration: Taffiney Sherril, Meagan Mathews, LaQuanette Sherill
Parliamentarian: Lawrence Brown
Convention Secretary: Scott Long
Continuing Education: David Maize
Golf Tournament: John Grossomanides
Convention Summary
Tuesday's opening General Session was opened with the introduction of the Executive Committee by Past Executive Director, Dr. Robert A. Magarian. The convention was presided over by Grand Regent, Dr. Anthony Palmieri. The keynote address was given by Brother Robert Hunter. His address concerned "leadership" and the traits that many of the great leaders possessed. He also mentioned the great opportunities that Kappa Psi offers the brothers. He suggested they take leadership roles which would certainly assist them in their careers.
Following the Key Note Address, the Grand Regent - Anthony Palmieri announced the committee appointments. Brother Dave Maszkiewicz, Grand Vice Regent went over the house rules and asked that any noisy electronics be turned off while in the meetings. The candidates for International Office were then introduced by Robert Magarian and each was given five minutes to introduce themselves and present their plans/goals for the Fraternity if elected. Raffle announcements were made by brother Mike Starvaggi, indicating that at this convention, there would once again be a 50/50 raffle. Following the opening session, the brothers enjoyed the welcoming reception, which was followed by the "Steel City River Bash", a trip on the paddle-wheeled "Majestic" up (or down) the Monongahela River, down (or up) the Allegheny River and then onto the Ohio River, sponsored by the Pittsburgh Graduate Chapter.
Wednesday's session started on a somber note as the "Grand Agora Ceremony" was conducted, honoring those brothers who are no longer with us. Following the "Grand Agora Ceremony" the remaining session was devoted to the various Grand Officer and Committee Reports. At noon, the "Fifth Biennial Scholarship Luncheon" was held, where the various awards were presented. Following the luncheon, the annual group photograph was taken in the hotel lobby. After the photo session, some of the brothers went to Kennywood, and the rest had a free afternoon.
Thursday's session contained the Province presentations, where each Province was allowed five minutes for their report. The morning then continued with the majority of the workshops and C.E. programs. The "Career Fair and Chapter Sales" was held from 11 am until 4 pm for the brothers to meet and talk with prospective employers and for the chapter's to sale fraternal items. The Graduate and Benefactor's Reception was held from 6:30 until 8 pm., giving the "experienced" brothers a chance to socialize and catch up on old acquaintances. At 8 pm, the biennial "Ice Cream Social" was held. Also during this time, the "Pharmacy Pheud", sponsored by Rite Aid, was contested. After much answering (and some missing) of the questions, Province II came out victorious ($500 from Rite Aid), with Province X ($250 from Rite Aid) grabbing second and Province V ($150 from Rite Aid) winning third.
Friday's morning session was devoted to the Legislative Session, where the proposed amendments were read and discussed, to be voted on during the Sixth General Session on Saturday. Brother David Maize then presented the last of the CE sessions from 11a.m. to noon. That afternoon, the "Sixth Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament" was held at the "Westwood Golf Course". That evening, the Grand Council Deputies in attendance were treated to a reception in the Fountainview Room.
Friday night's entertainment was sponsored by Gamma Nu and the Pacific Graduate Chapter with their "Bushwacker and Pecker-head Party".
Prior to the Saturday morning session, Provinces II & V treated the Brothers to a Continential Breakfast At the start of the session, the Credentials committee gave their final report indicating there were 178 total votes (84 collegiate, 52 graduate, 9 province and 33 others), with 90 votes needed to elect.
The raffle held during the convention raised over $5,000 for the Foundation. The 50/50 raflle raised $1,712 and was won by Dr. Robert Magarian, who graciously gave his winnings to the Foundation.
The convention concluded with the 126th Anniversary Banquet, where the newly elected Grand Officers were installed and the Golden Bow was set free.
Following the banquet, the final raffle drawings were held. Among the items raffled away were a Lexmark Inkjet Printer, several Kappa Psi pins, a framed Kappa Psi hockey jersey, the 50/50 prize and numerous t-shirts, sweat shirts and nasal strips. The raffle at this Grand Council Convention raised over $4,500 for the Foundation, the largest so far. The winner of the 50/50 raffle received over $1,200.
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: David Maszkiewicz
Grand Vice Regent: Sean Higgins
Grand Counselor: Becky Fahrenbruch
Grand Historian: Claudio Faria
Grand Ritualist: Andrew Frasco
Graduate Member at Large: Lawrence Brown
Collegiate Member at Large: Kali Jernigan
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Kam Brown (Delta Kappa)
Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Gamma Eta
Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Delta Zeta
William R Smith Most Improved Chapter: Beta Omicron
Grand Council Deputy Outstanding Achievement Award: Gary Van Riper (Gamma Kappa)
Legislative Changes
Article VII
Uniform Province and Chapter By-Laws
022. Sec. 2. All Local Province and Chapter Ordinances must be submitted in electronic format within seven (7) days of adoption, to the Grand Counselor and The Central Office, for approval or rejection by the Grand Counselor or Legislative Committee. Failure of the Grand Counselor and/or Legislative Committee to act within ninety (90) days on any Ordinance, submitted in accordance with the above requirements, shall constitute automatic approval. passed
Article IX
Members of The Grand Council
026. Sec. 1. The Grand Council shall consist of the following: Members of the Executive Committee; two (2) Delegates from each Collegiate Chapter; two (2) Delegates from each Graduate Chapter; one (1) Delegate from each Province; the Editor of THE MASK, if a Member of the Fraternity; and each Past Grand Regent who is no longer a Member of the Executive Committee. passed
By-Law I
Election of Members
042. Sec. 2. In case a person, not already a Brother of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Incorporated, leaves a College or School in which there is a Chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Incorporated, to pursue studies in a second College or School in which there is also a Chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Incorporated, it shall be necessary for the second Chapter to communicate with the first Chapter before the said prospective nominee can be elected to membership in the second Chapter. passed
045. Sec. 5. A member leaving a School or College in which there is a Chapter to pursue studies in a second School or College in which there is also a Chapter, shall be admitted to the second Chapter as a Collegiate Member upon presentation of evidence, supplied by the first Chapter and The Central Office showing the member to have been in good standing; and provided that the member has read the By-Laws of the second Chapter and declared to uphold the same. passed
By-Law II
Dues and Assessments
050. Sec. 4. Each Graduate Member shall be requested to pay during the calendar year, 2004, and each year thereafter, a Graduate Assessment of forty-five dollars (U.S.) ($45.00). This Graduate Assessment shall be used as follows: ten dollars (U.S.) ($10.00) to the Grand Council Convention Fund, and thirty-five dollars (U.S.) ($35.00) to the General Fund. passed
052. Sec. 6. Should there be any delay in transmitting any of the above monies to The Central Office, an order shall be issued by the Executive Director upon the Chapter Treasurer equal to the Chapter indebtedness: additionally, a penalty of two percent (2%) per month for each month or fraction thereof of indebtedness may be assessed and shall become part of above said order. If a Chapter remains in default for six (6) months or more, the Executive Committee after providing the opportunity of a hearing to the defaulting Chapter, may suspend until monies are current or revoke the Charter of said Chapter. passed
By-Law III
057. Sec. 4. The Regent shall set a hearing date, order the accused to appear, and instruct the Secretary to furnish the Member cited with a copy of the charges. Should the accused not obey the mandate, the Regent may either continue or postpone the proceedings. No trial shall be valid unless two-thirds (2/3) of the Members, in good standing, of the Chapter are present. Should the accused fail to comply with the order to appear for more than ninety (90) days, the Regent and the Chair of the Judiciary Committee can jointly enter a summary judgment and proceed with the punishment process. passed
061. Sec. 8. After all evidence and arguments have been heard, all Members present shall vote guilty or not-guilty. Three-fourths (3/4) shall be needed to convict. If the accused is convicted, the Regent shall ask for the sort of punishment. Three-fourths (3/4) shall be required for expulsion and a majority for any other punishment. failed
By-Law IV
069. Sec. 2. When an application for a Charter is received, it shall be forwarded to the Grand Counselor with an electronic copy of the proposed Chapter's proposed Local Chapter Ordinances to the Uniform Chapter By-Laws for review and approval. passed
071. Sec. 4. Upon the approval of the Executive Committee and payment of the two hundred dollar (U.S.) ($200.00) Charter Fee, the Grand Regent shall grant the Charter and cause either personally, or by appointment of a Member of the Executive Committee or Advisory Committee, the new Chapter to be properly installed. passed
By-Law V
The Grand Council
074. Sec. 2. If a Chapter sends only one (1) representative to the Grand Council, that representative shall be entitled to cast two (2) votes. If a Chapter or Province is unable to send any representatives, its votes or vote may be assigned by proxy to any other Member, Chapter or Province except Members of the Executive Committee, Advisory Committee, or the Editor of THE MASK. No votes other than those of Chapters or Provinces may be assigned by proxy. Any delegate, Chapter or Province, which leaves the Grand Council Convention early, may assign the corresponding vote(s), by means of an official proxy form designated for this situation, to any other Member, Chapter or Province except Members of the Executive Committee, Advisory Committee, or the Editor of the MASK. failed
076. Sec. 4. All Delegates or proxies shall be determined in accordance with Chapter or Province By-Laws and Local Ordinances thereof, and shall be admitted to the Grand Council only upon presentation of proper credentials issued by the represented Chapter or Province. In the case of Delegate representation, the credentials must be in writing and signed by the Regent, Satrap or Secretary of the Chapter or Province being represented. In the case of proxy representation, the credentials must be in writing and signed by the Regent, Satrap or Secretary of the Chapter or Province being represented. This form must be sent to The Central Office and postmarked at least one (1) month prior to the start of the Grand Council Convention. These forms must be notarized. passed
By-Law VII
Officers of the Grand Council
Election and Duties
079. Sec. 1. The Executive Director shall notify each Chapter at least eight (8) months prior to the Grand Council Convention that the Nominations Committee is prepared to receive nominations. This notice shall also be published on the web page and in the Fall Issue of The Mask immediately preceding the Grand Council Convention. Any Chapter may nominate for any or all of the Grand Officers. Graduate Member-at-Large and Collegiate Member-at-Large and shall forward the same, certified by the Regent and Secretary, to The Central Office, at least six (6) months prior to the Grand Council Convention. failed
083. Sec. 5. Voting shall be by secret ballot and shall continue until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. A majority shall be at least fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of the votes cast. If no candidate receives a majority, the candidate(s) receiving the least number of votes and/or 10% or less of the total votes cast shall be withdrawn from further balloting. withdrawn by author
The Central Office
096. Sec. 2. The Executive Director shall receive and be custodian of all funds of the Grand Council and shall disburse them in full payments of debts incurred by the Grand Council, its Officers, and Committees as approved by the Grand Regent. The Executive Director shall prepare a report no later than January first (1st) of the following year showing receipts and expenditures from October first (1st) to September thirtieth (30th) and shall mail a copy of this report to each Chapter in good standing. A copy shall also be sent to each Province Satrap and each Grand Officer and member of the Executive Committee. Such report and supporting financial records shall be subject to an audit at any time, by any Committee or accounting firm in a manner prescribed by the Grand Regent. passed
By-Law XII
151. Sec. 14. Members, Chapters and Provinces may purchase a copy of THE AGORA, upon publication, at a price dependent on the cost of publication to be set by the Executive Committee of the Grand Council. passed
By-Law IX
Committees of the Grand Council
101. Sec 1. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall be the Grand Regent. The Chairman of the Legislative Committee shall be the Grand Counselor. Except Chairman of the Advisory Committee, all other committee chairmen shall be appointed by the Grand Regent. passed
Uniform Province By-Laws
By-Law V
Composition of the Province Assembly
P16. Sec. 3. Each Chapter in good standing shall be entitled to two (2) votes in the Assembly. Each Province Officer, who is not a Chapter Delegate, shall be entitled to one (1) vote. In the case of Chapters, two (2) votes may be cast by a single delegate. passed
1. WHEREAS, the members of the Executive Committee have dutifully served this Fraternity for the past two years,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the 52nd Grand Council extends it gratitude and appreciation to the Executive Committee for their hard work and dedication. Passed.
2. WHEREAS, a tremendous effort has been made to provide an enjoyable experience at the 52ndGrand Council Convention, and,
WHEREAS, the convention chairman and committee have devoted significant time and energy toward planning this event,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Brotherhood extends their thanks and appreciation to David Maszkiewicz and his committee for their efforts. Passed.
3. WHEREAS, through attendance at the Grand Council Convention, the Brothers have demonstrated their commitment to Kappa Psi,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, we thank all those present at the 52nd Grand Council Convention in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Passed.
4. WHEREAS, the support of spouses, significant others, children, and family members for Brothers of Kappa Psi is a necessity,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their gratitude and love to those who support the Fraternity. Passed.
5. WHEREAS, the hotel accommodations and meeting facilities are the key to a successful meeting,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that the 52nd Grand Council acknowledges the staff's efforts at the Sheraton Hotel at Station Square in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Passed.
6. WHEREAS, social events hosted by chapters and provinces increase opportunities for fellowship at the Grand Council Convention, and
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh Graduate Chapter, Province II, Province V, Gamma Nu and Province IX hosted social events for the Brothers in attendance,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the 52nd Grand Council extends a special thanks to these Brothers. Passed.
7. WHEREAS, the planning of the Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament and Raffle is hard work and benefits the Kappa Psi Foundation by adding money to the scholarship fund,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Brothers Grossomanides, Rathi, Fahrenbruch, Starvaggi and committees are recognized for their hard work and dedication to the Kappa Psi Foundation. Passed.
8. WHEREAS, any contribution toward increasing socialization and fellowship during the Grand Council Convention benefits the brotherhood as a whole,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Fraternity thank Brett Rathi for organizing the first Kappa Psi Texas Hold'em Event, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, this event be continued and that Kappa Psi Fraternity consider it as a possible fundraiser for the Kappa Psi Foundation at future Grand Council Conventions. Passed.
9. WHEREAS, Taffiney Sherril devotes, considerable time and energy to make the Grand Council Convention run smoothly and,
WHEREAS, the Brothers of Kappa Psi all benefit from her devotion, hard work and efforts,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Executive Committee provides her a token of appreciation to thank her for all of her dedication. Passed.
10. WHEREAS, registration and distribution of program materials is essential to a successful convention,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Grand Council Convention extend its gratitude to Meagan Mathews and LaQuanette Graves. Passed.
11. WHEREAS, the Pharmacy Pheud provides lively entertainment, a healthy forum for competition, and financial support to three provinces,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Grand Council extends its sincere appreciation and thanks to Rite Aidthrough a written letter. Passed.
12. WHEREAS, chapter representation at the Grand Council Convention is important and,
WHEREAS, proxies are imperative to secure this representation,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, proxy forms are made available online no later than January 1st prior to the Grand Council Convention to allow chapters adequate time to properly complete and return the forms. Passed.
13. WHEREAS, corporate sponsorship expands the possibilities in the planning and funding of the Grand Council Convention,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Executive Committee in conjunction with the Executive Director make it a high priority to pursue these funds. Passed.
14. WHEREAS, it is important for provinces to share their accomplishments and activities of the previous two years with one another, and
WHEREAS, the opportunity to share this vast amount of information is very rare,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, at future Grand Council Conventions there be more time allotted for Province reports. Passed.
15. WHEREAS, colored ribbons attached to name badges help the brotherhood identify and appreciate the roles and achievements of registered brothers, and
WHEREAS, Grand Council Deputies are also imperative to the operation of Kappa Psi and their attendance at the convention greatly enhances their ability to perform their duties,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, there also be a "Grand Council Deputy" colored ribbon at future Grand Council Conventions. Passed.
16. WHEREAS, we are very proud to have 71 collegiate chapters, and
WHEREAS, it is difficult to memorize their corresponding University/College affiliation,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the name of the University/College affiliation be printed along with the chapter name on the convention name badges at future Grand Council Conventions. Passed.
17. WHEREAS, we are proud that there are 71 collegiate chapters in our beloved Fraternity, and
WHEREAS, it is difficult to memorize the chapters' corresponding University/College affilations,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, when presenting awards to collegiate chapters the name of their University/College be stated along with the chapter name. Passed.
18. WHEREAS, chapters frequently experience difficulty succinctly articulating our Fraternal Objectives when interacting with prospective brothers and the lay public and,
WHEREAS, the brotherhood as a whole would benefit from use of a summary statement of said objectives when engaging in public relations,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. develop and publish a mission statement that encapsulates the values and objectives of the Fraternity. Failed.
19. WHEREAS, the Scholarship Committee is responsible for the distribution of awards, and
WHEREAS, the Kappa Psi Foundation distributes all Kappa Psi scholarships,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, from here forward the Scholarship Committee be known as the Chapter Awards Committee. Passed.
20. WHEREAS, revenue continues to be a concern for the Fraternity, and
WHEREAS, current sources of revenue could be expanded and new sources of revenue considered,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Grand Council in Convention assembled direct the Executive Committee to investigate these revenue streams. And,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, that a detailed written report be presented at the 53rd Grand Council Convention. Passed.
21. WHEREAS, chapters that have received sanctions often need assistance in re-establishing their charter,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, during the term of the sanctions, the Executive Committee shall assign an official to liaison with either a graduate brother in the area or another University student representative to facilitate this process. Passed.
22. WHEREAS, the Province IX Reception was in danger of being cancelled,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Grand Council extend its thanks to Myrna at Sheraton Hotel at Station Square for making it a reality. Passed.
23. WHEREAS, a professional pharmacy fraternity should look and act in a professional manner,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, all attending brothers of future Grand Council Conventions wear professional attire at all business sessions and the Scholarship Luncheon. Passed.
24. WHEREAS, provinces are composed of collegiate and graduate chapters, and
WHEREAS, spirited competition between brothers promotes fellowship so long that sportsmanship and fairness are paramount,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, each Province's Pharmacy Pheud team include collegiate brothers. Passed.
25. WHEREAS, the ice cream social is an important event at the Grand Council Convention, and
WHEREAS, clean attire at the meetings is necessary,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, bigger bowls are provided at this event to prevent spillage. Failed.
Convention Favors
"History of Kappa Psi" by Dr. Dewey Garner
11-inch silver framed wall clock
Convention Program
Tuesday, August 9th
8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Executive Committee Meeting (Executive Board Room)
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Registration - Lobby
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Opening General Session I - Grand Station I
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Welcoming Reception - Grand Stations III - V
11 p.m. - 2 a.m.
"Steel City River Bash" - River Cruise (Sponsor-Pittsburgh Grad Chapter)
Wednesday, August 10th
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Registration - Lobby
8 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Spouse & children breakfast - Pointview
9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Second General Session - Grand Stations I & II
Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Fifth Biennial Scholarship Lunch (Reflections & Admiral)
1:30 - p.m.
Group photo - Lobby
2 p.m. - until
Kennywood / free afternoon
9 p.m. - until
Texas Hold-em Tournament
Thursday, August 11th
8 a.m. - Noon
Registration - Lobby
8:30 a.m.
Third General Session - Grand Stations I & II
* * CE's held in the Brighton Rooms * *
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Career Fair & Chapter Sales (Reflections & Admiral)
11:00 a.m. - Noon
Fraternity Communications {Johnny Porter & E. Ben Welch} (Grand Stations I & II )
11:00 a.m. - Noon
CE #1 - Current Issues in Pharmacy Law (Dr. Norm Campbell)
2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
The Ritual - Yesterday & Today {Becky Fahrenbruch and Cameron Van Dyke) {Grand Stations I & II }
2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
CE #2 - COX2 Inhibitors, Past, Present & Future (Dr. Jenny Donaldson)
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Conflict Resolution {Angela Vinti} (Grand Stations I & II )
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
CE #3 - The Changing Face of Anemia (Dr. Tracy Pellegrino)
4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
"Seeing the Possibilities" (Andy Frasco & Eric Sousa) {Grand Stations I & II }
6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Graduate & Benefactors Reception (Fountainview)
8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Ice Cream Social/Pharmacy Feud (Reflections & Admiral) {Feud sponsored by Rite Aid}
Friday, August 12th
8 a.m. 11 a.m.
Registration - Lobby
8:30 a.m.
Fourth General Session - Grand Stations I & II
11 a.m. - Noon.
CE #4 - Review of Laxatives (Dr. David Maize)
Noon - 6:30 p.m.
Golf (6th Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament) & Dinner
8 p.m. - 10 p.m.
G.C.D. Reception (Fountainview)
Saturday, August 13th
8 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Continental Breakfast (Sponsored by Provinces II & V)
8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Registration - Lobby
9 a.m.
Fifth General Session - Grand Stations I & II
1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Sixth General Session, Elections - Grand Stations I & II
Alpha Chapter Reception (Grand Stations III - V)
125th Anniversary & Awards Banquet (Grand Station III- V )
Sunday, August 14th
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Executive Committee Post Convention Meeting (Executive Board Room)
52nd GCC Image Gallery