51st GCC
51st Grand Council Convention
"Building a Better Brotherhood"
San Diego, California
Tuesday-Sunday, August 5-10, 2003
Convention Chairperson: Dr. Anthony Palmieri
Hosted By: Province IX
Host Hotel: Hyatt Islandia Hotel and Marina
Attendance: Total Attendance: 401
373 Brothers (259 Collegiates & 114 Graduates), 28 Guests
83 Chapters (57 Collegiate & 26 Graduate), 9 Provinces
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity held its 51st Grand Council Convention at the Hyatt Islandia Hotel and Marina in San Diego, California. The Convention Chairman was Dr. Anthony Palmieri (Grand Vice Regent) and was hosted by Province IX. The lure of the California coast and San Diego's wonderful weather brought 401 persons (259 collegians, 114 graduates and 28 guests, spouses & children), to Southern California, making this the second largest Grand Council Convention in Kappa Psi history at the time.
Convention Committees and Officials
Credentials: Charles Carden, Lawrence Brown, Katherine Kaye, Robert Magarian, Jean Starvaggi, Cameron Van Dyke
Golf Tournament: John Grossomanides
Legislative: David Maszkiewicz, Lawrence Brown, Norman Campbell, Rebecca Taylor
Raffle: Mike Starvaggi, Tracy Anderson-Haag, Paul Cyprus, Dawn LaFleur, Rebecca Fahrenbruch, Erick Sousa
Registration: Taffiney Sherril
Resolutions: Rebecca Fahrenbruch, Tracy Anderson-Haag, Matthew Dickson, Claudio Faria, Rebecca Taylor, Teri Ogg, Chrisann Rauzi, Bonita Rathi, Stephanie Stichert, Cameron Van Dyke
Secretary: Scott Long
Slideshow: Cameron Van Dyke, Andrew Frasco
Convention Summary
The convention was proceeded by another three-night, two-day cruise ("Take Two") sponsored by the Southwestern Graduate Chapter. We left from Los Angeles at 4pm on August 1st (Friday) and traveled south to Ensenada, Mexico, where we spent the day touring the city. Some of the brothers visited El Bufadora (the blowhole), others went into town to shop and a few went to the beach and rented ATV's. Sunday was spent at sea having a good time, just lying around. We returned to Los Angeles on Monday morning. A number of the brothers then caught the Coastal Flyer down to San Diego.
The Executive Committee was introduced by Past Grand Regent, Dr. Norm Campbell. The convention was presided over by Grand Regent, Dr. Craig Johnston. The keynote address was given by Past Grand Regent and Grand Historian Emeritus, Dr. Dewey D. Garner. His address concerned "leadership" and the traits that many of the great leaders possessed. He also mentioned the great opportunities that Kappa Psi offers the brothers. He suggested they take leadership roles which would certainly assist them in their careers.
Following the Key Note Address, the Credentials and Resolutions Committees were introduced. Brother David Maszkiewicz, Grand Counselor, went over the house rules and asked that any noisy electronics be turned off while in the meetings. The candidates were then introduced by Norm Campbell and each was given five minutes to introduce themselves. Raffle announcements were made by brother Mike Starvaggi, indicating that at this convention, there would be a 50/50 raffle. Following the opening session, the brothers enjoyed the "South of the Border" welcoming reception held outside the Islandia Grill.
Wednesday morning's session was devoted to the various Grand Officer and Committee reports. At noon, the "Fourth Biennial Scholarship Luncheon" was held, where various awards were presented. Following the luncheon, a live initiation was demonstrated and the chartering of Delta Phi was conducted. This was the first time that a chapter has been installed at a Grand Council Convention. Two C.E. programs and the first workshop rounded out the day's activities. That night, the "Graduate and Benefactor's Reception" was attended by over 100 of the "experienced" brothers.
Thursday's session started on a somber note as the "Grand Agora Ceremony" was conducted, honoring those brothers who are no longer with us. The session then continued with several reports not given on Wednesday. Workshops Two and Three and C.E. programs Three, Four and Five were presented during the remainder of the day. The "Career Fair" was held from 11am until 4pm for the brothers to meet and talk with prospective employers. At 8 pm, the biennial "Ice Cream Social" was held. Also during this time, the "Pharmacy Pheud", sponsored by Rite-Aid, was contested. Province VIII came out the victor ($300), with Province III ($200) winning second and Province V ($150) grabbing third. The other six provinces will all receive $100 for their gallant effort.
Friday's morning session was devoted to Province Presentations. Each Province gave a brief summary of their chapters past accomplishments. Following theses reports, the resolutions were read and voted on. This was followed by proposed amendments being read, discussed and voted on. That afternoon, the "Fifth Kappa Psi Foundation Golf Tournament" was held at the "Cottonwood Golf Course in El Cajon". That evening, the Grand Council Deputies in attendance were treated to a reception in the "Marlin Club". Starting at 7 PM, the chapters were given tables in the Islands Rooms to sell their wares. Included were t-shirts, Kappa Psi can coozies, scrub sets, Kappa Psi Crest tattoos, toothpick holders, and the famous "Bobblehead Dave" dolls.
Friday night's entertainment was sponsored by Gamma Nu and the Pacific Graduate Chapter. The Brothers enjoyed lively music and dancing, while exchanging stories of their adventures in Tijuana.
Prior to the Saturday morning session, Provinces II & V treated the Brothers to donuts, milk and orange juice, outside by the bay. At the start of the session, the Credentials committee gave their final report stating that there were 181 total votes, with 92 votes needed to elect.
The convention concluded with the 124th Anniversary Banquet, where the newly elected Grand Officers were installed and the Golden Bow was untied.
Following the banquet, the final raffle drawings were held. Among the items raffled away were a Lexmark Inkjet Printer, several Kappa Psi pins, a framed Kappa Psi hockey jersey, the 50/50 prize and numerous t-shirts, sweat shirts and nasal strips. The raffle at this Grand Council Convention raised over $4,500 for the Foundation, the largest so far. The winner of the 50/50 raffle received over $1,200.
Continuing Education and Workshops
C.E. I: Clinical Trials and Error: An Overview of Research Regulations
C.E. II: The Basics of HIV and Antiretroviral Therapy
C.E. III: Prophylaxis of Venous Thromboembolism
C.E. IV: Medication Errors: Risk Management for the Practicing Pharmacists
C.E. V: An Overview of Drug Use and Abuse in Sports
Workshop I: Working with The Central Office and National Officers
Workshop II: How to Have a Well Run Province
Workshop III: MASK Publication and Kappa Psi Web Pages
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Anthony Palmieri
Grand Vice Regent: David Maszkiewicz
Grand Counselor: Sean Higgins
Grand Historian: David Dunson
Grand Ritualist: Rebecca Fahrenbruch
Graduate Member at Large: Andrew Frasco
Collegiate Member at Large: Erick Sousa
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Scott Bergman (Gamma Kappa)
Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Gamma Sigma
Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Beta Kappa
William R. Smith Most Improved Chapter: Delta Mu
By-Law II
Sec. 4. Each Graduate Brother shall be requested to pay during the calendar year, and each year thereafter, a Graduate Assessment of forty-five dollars (U.S.) ($45.00). This Graduate Assessment shall be used as follows: ten dollars (U.S.) ($10.00) to the Grand Council Convention Fund, and thirty-five dollars (U.S.) ($35.00) to the General Fund. PASSED
By-Law VI
Sec. 1. The Grand Council Convention Fund shall be used to pay the sum of $350.00 for one (1) Delegate (not a proxy) from each Collegiate Chapter, each member of the Executive Committee, and such other Members of the Grand Council designated by the Executive Committee. Any monies remaining in this fund following the determination of anticipated transportation expenses may be utilized to fund other portions of the Grand Council Convention. FAILED
To be eligible for nomination as a Grand Officer or Graduate Member-at-Large, a person must have been a Member of the Fraternity for at least two (2) years and have paid individual dues for the year including the Grand Council Convention. To be eligible for nomination as Collegiate Member-at-Large, a person must have been a Member of the Fraternity for at least six (6) months prior to nomination, and when elected should not graduate with his/her first professional pharmacy degree from a School or College of Pharmacy earlier than eight (8) months following the date of election. PASSED
1. WHEREAS, the members of the Executive Committee have dutifully served this Fraternity for the past two years, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the 51st Grand Council extends it gratitude and appreciation to the Executive Committee for their hard work and dedicaiton. PASSED
2. WHEREAS, a tremendous effort has been made to provide a pleasurable experience at the 51st Grand Council Convention, and, WHEREAS, the convention chairman and committee have devoted significant time and energy toward planning this event, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Brotherhood extends their thanks and appreciation to Dr. Anthony Palmieri III and his committee for their efforts. PASSED
3. WHEREAS, through attendance at the Grand Council Convention, the Brothers have demonstrated their commitment to Kappa Psi, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, we thank all those present at the 51st Grand Council Convention in San Diego, California. PASSED
4. WHEREAS, the hotel accomodations and meeting facilities are the key to a successful meeting, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that the 51st Grand Council acknolwdges the staff's efforts at the Hyatt Regency Islandia in San Diego, California. PASSED
5. WHEREAS, the support of spouses, significant others, children, and family members for Brothers of Kappa Psi is a necessity, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, that Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their gratitude and love to those who support the Fraternity. PASSED
6. WHEREAS, social events hosted by chapters and provinces increase opportunities for fellowship at the Grand Council Convention, and WHEREAS, Dr. Craig Johnston, Montanta Graduate Chapter, Gamma Nu, Province II, IV, and V hosted social events for the Brothers in attendance, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the 51st Grand Council extends a special thanks to these Brothers. PASSED
7. WHEREAS, the planning of the Kappa Psi Foundaiton Golf Tournament and Raffle is hard work and benefits the Kappa Psi Foundation by adding money to the scholarship fund, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Brothers Grossomanides, Rathi, Maszkiewicz, and Starvaggi and committees are recognized for their hard work and dedication to the Kappa Psi Foundation. PASSED
8. WHEREAS, the Ritual states a member seeking admission to the chapter gives the Countersign and Password, and WHEREAS, maintaining continuity and the secrecy of the Ritual is vital, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the 51st Grand Council recommends a modification to the Ritual that states a member seeking admission gives the Grip of the Order and the Password. FAILED
9. WHEREAS, chapter affiliation and location facilitate fellowship among Brothers, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, at all future Grand Council Conventions, the chapter or province affiliation and location be indicated on the name tag. PASSED
10. WHEREAS, Fraternity and Brotherhood are of utmost importance to our Fraternity, and, WHEREAS, the cruise before the Grand Council Convention helps to facilitate these emotions, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the 51st Grand Council thank the Southwestern Graduate Chapter, Action Travel, and Carnival Cruise Line for providing a wonderful opportunity to our Brotherhood. PASSED
11. WHEREAS, considerable time is alloted for chapters to pay their dues to the Central Office, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, any chapter in arrears pay their monies to the Credentials Committee prior to Thursday at 5 PM at the Grand Council Convention. FAILED
12. WHEREAS, Taffiney Sherril devotes, considerable time and energy to make the Grand Council Convention run smoothly and, WHEREAS, the Brothers of Kappa Psi all benefit from her devotion, hard work and efforts, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Executive Committee provides her a token of appreciation to thank her for all of her dedication. PASSED
13. WHEREAS, a means of feedback is important to enhance the success of future conventions, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, a post convention questionnaire/survey is implemented at future Grand Council Conventions. FAILED
14. WHEREAS, multiple nomination forms for each international office is redundant, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, we use the attached nomination form in the future. PASSED
15. WHEREAS, the tern "Brother" is used within the Fraternity and can be misintrepreted, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the term "Brother" is not representing gender, but refers to the fraternal bond or our Order. PASSED
16. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi Fraternity appreciated attendance at the Grand Council Convention, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, a committee is formed to pursue the development and implementation of an attendance award. PASSED
17. WHEREAS, the current official proxy form allows opportunities for confusion and duplication, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, official proxy forms have the name of the chapter or province pre-printed on the form to ensure proper control and easier record keeping. FAILED
18. WHEREAS, occasionally some of our chapters participate in or allow activities that are not in compliance with the risk management policies of Kappa Psi and, WHEREAS, if these activities are severe enough to warrant sanctions, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, after the sanctions have expired, the Executive Committee shall immediately assign a member of the Executive Committee to liaison/mentor the chapter in resuming active participation in the Fraternity. PASSED
Convention Favor
Duffle Bag
The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:
K-Mart, Rite Aid, Save-On, Walgreen's, Wal-Mart
Convention Trivia or Notable Facts
Ms. Becky Nowak becomes the first elected female Grand Officer in Kappa Psi (Ms. Marquette Hardin elected as Collegiate Member at Large at the 48th GCC).
Images of the 51st GCC