42nd GCC
42nd Grand Council Convention
"Proud Past - Bright Future"
South Padre Island, Texas
Sunday-Thursday, August 11-15, 1985
Convention Chairman: Mr. Johnny Porter
Hosted By: Delta Theta
Host Hotel: Hilton Resort at Padre Island
Attendance: Total Attendance: 195
144 Brothers (96 Collegiates & 48 Graduates), 51 Guests
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. met at the Hilton Resort at Padre Island, Texas for the 42nd Grand Council Convention from August 11th through August 14th. The Convention Chairman was Mr. Johnny W. Porter (Delta Beta). The convention was attended by 195 persons (96 collegiate brothers, 48 graduate brothers, 51 spouses, guests and children).
Convention Summary:
The 42nd Grand Council Convention of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity was held at the Hilton Resort at South Padre Island, Texas on August 11-14, 1985. A total of 195 people registered for the convention including 151 brothers and 41 guests. The theme for the convention was, “Proud Past—Bright Future” and was presided over by Grand Regent, Dr. Patrick R. Wells. Mr. Johnny W. Porter served as the Convention Chairman
The Keynote Address was delivered at the opening session on Sunday evening by Mr. Fred S. Brinkley, Jr., Executive Director of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy followed with a Margarita party at pool side. Monday morning was filled with committee and officer reports and a special tribute to Brother Frank H. Eby who entered the Grand Agora shortly after the 41st Grand Council Convention, conducted by Past Grand Regent Dr. Dewey D. Garner.
The Monday afternoon session consisted of a ritual demonstration, enhanced by the utilization of the dress robes used in the formal ceremony; a continuing education program, “Personal Finance for the Pharmacist, by Mr. Ed Hyde; and two workshops, one on rushing and the other on pledging, conducted by participants from 10 different collegiate chapters. A Grand Council Deputy Reception and Workshop preceded the evenings legislative session.
Tuesday morning’s program consisted of a continuing education program, “Communication Skill for the Pharmacist”, by Ms. Lativia Ray-Alston and two workshops, “Chapter Responsibilities” moderated by Executive Director Dr. Robert A. Magarian, and “The MASK” by Editor Dr. Anthony Palmieri, III. Tuesday afternoon, Matamorus, Mexico was the destination of the brotherhood. The buses returned a bit heavier and noisier following an afternoon of shopping, sightseeing, imbibing a few spirits and enjoying the flavor of Old Mexico.
Wednesday’s sessions consisted of committee and workshop reports and the election of officers followed by an Alpha Chapter Reception and the 106th Anniversary banquet. Brother John Grossomanides of Beta Epsilon received the Frank H. Eby Award and Iota Chapter at the Medical College of Pharmacy in Charleston, S.C. won the Scholarship Tray Award. The Grand Council presented Citations of Appreciation to Brothers Dewey Garner and Robert Magarian in recognition of their “extraordinary dedication” to their duties as Grand Regent and Executive Director, respectively in the early 1980’s.
Continuing Education and Workshops
C.E. I: Personal Finance for the Pharmacist
C.E. II: Communication Skill for the Pharmacist
Workshop I: The Ritual
Workshop II: Rushing
Workshop III: Pledging
Workshop IV: Chapter Responsibilities
Workshop V: The MASK
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Patrick Wells
Grand Vice Regent: Kenneth B. Roberts
Grand Counselor: William R. Smith
Grand Historian-Ritualist: Johnny W. Porter
Graduate Member at Large: Paul Hiller
Collegiate Member at Large: David C. Mason
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: John Grossomanides (Beta Epsilon)
National Scholarship Tray Award: Iota
Certificates of Appreciation were presented to Dr. Dewey D. Garner and Dr. Robert Magarian
1. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, extend a note of sincere appreciation to Brothers Johnny Porter, Chairman, James B. Hills and Ray Moreno, Co-Chairmen and the members of the General Convention Committee. PASSED
2. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, expresses its sincere appreciation to Brother Fred Brinkley, Jr., Mr. Edd Hyde and Ms. Lativia Ray-Alston, for their contributions to the 42nd Grand Council Convention. PASSED
3. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, recognized and thank the secretaries of Texas Southern University for handling registration. PASSED
4. WHEREAS, proposals by the Legislative Committee for Constitutional and By-law amendments are of significant importance and are deserving of adequate consideration and deliberation, and WHEREAS, the By-laws of this Fraternity presently stipulates that said proposals need only be presented 24 hours prior to voting, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: any proposed amendments to the Constitution or By-laws developed and/or approved by the Legislative Committee shall be sent in the Convention Packet from The Central Office prior to the Grand Council Convention. Individual Brothers, Chapters, Provinces, or other groups may present proposed Constitutional and By-law changes by the existing mechanism, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Legislative Committee shall develop the appropriate wording for a By-law amendment which addresses this resolution to be enacted at the 43rd Grand Council Convention. PASSED
5. WHEREAS, academic schedules, experiential learning components of pharmacy curricula and internship hours pressures may discourage greater participation in August Grand Council Conventions, and WHEREAS, the Grand Council Conventions for many years were held during the week between Christmas and New Year's Day, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: this 42nd Grand Council Convention charge the Executive Committee to study the possibility of an alternate time frame for future Conventions. PASSED
6. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity holds itself to be a professionally oriented fraternal order, and WHEREAS, there are no ongoing professional programs supported or organized on a national level of the fraternity, and WHEREAS, there is currently no officer of the Executive Committee who is responsible for the development of (national) professional programs, and WHEREAS, the existence of an office that is solely responsible for the professional affairs of the fraternity would serve as testimony to our commitment to pharmacy, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Executive and Legislative Committees evaluate the need for a new elected officer on the national level who would be responsible for the development and implementation of professional programs, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the responsibilities of said office could include the development of a national research grant to be given to undergraduates for scientific studies of significant importance to pharmacy, FURTHER: these responsibilities may include C.E. programming for the Grand Council Convention as well as graduate chapters, ADDITIONALLY: a biennial national professional project for collegiate chapters should be developed and coordinated by this officer, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the feasibility of such an office be studied and a comprehensive description of the duties of said office be presented at the 43rd G. C. C. The Legislative Committee should develop the appropriate additions and amendments to the Constitution and By-laws to create such an office. FAILED
7. WHEREAS, several nominees have not been present at recent Grand Council Conventions to meet with the delegates, and WHEREAS, meeting and talking with nominees for national office is a vital part of the decision process for voting, and WHEREAS, potential nominees are blocked from nomination by nominees who are not present at the Convention (due to the present constitutional requirement of the Fraternity), BE IT RESOLVED THAT: nominations be opened on the floor on the Convention if at the time of balloting only one eligible nominee is present, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Legislative Committee shall develop the appropriate amendment to change the By-laws of the Fraternity addressing this resolution by the 43rd Grand Council Convention. PASSED
8. WHEREAS, the function of the GCC is to meet in assembly to discuss and vote on issues of vital importance to out Fraternity, and WHEREAS, many "voting" members of the assembly are represented by proxy and can not be a part of this process of exchange and evaluation, and WHEREAS, other national professional pharmacy organizations do not allow for representation by proxy, and WHEREAS, attendance would be encouraged if proxy representation were not available, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the rules of proxy representation be evaluated and studied by the Executive Committee as a legislative constitutionally acceptable form of representation and proposals delivered to the 43rd GCC. FAILED
9. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi honors scholastic excellence by means of its National Scholarship Tray Award originally funded through a donation by the Philadelphia Graduate Chapter, and WHEREAS, Kappa Psi honors individual leadership excellence by means of the Frank H. Eby Award, and WHEREAS, Kappa Psi, the training ground of leadership, is committed to development of leaders in pharmacy; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 42nd Grand Council Convention in session assembled direct its Executive Committee to explore ways and means of instituting and funding a national award to recognize outstanding performance and achievement by a Collegiate Chapter, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the Executive Committee report its findings no later than the convening of the 43rd Grand Council Convention. PASSED
10. WHEREAS, the existing uniform Province and/or Chapter By-Laws, requiring the adoption of local ordinances have been in existence since 1981; and WHEREAS, said ordinances were required to be adopted by Provinces and/or Chapters in 1982; and WHEREAS, legally a Province and/or Chapter may not conduct any business whatsoever without a legal governing instrument under which to operate, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: by the 42nd Grand Council Convention in Convention assembled that hereafter no Province or Chapter will be considered to be in good standing unless it has adopted local ordinances which have been accepted by the Legislative Committee of the Grand Council, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: only a Province or Chapter in good standing will be allowed to make nominations for Grand Officers, or Executive Committee members; be seated at a Grand Council Convention, or be eligible for any travel reimbursements in the future. PASSED
11. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, acknowledge the efforts of the staff of the South Padre Hilton Resort for maintaining the services necessary for a successful 42nd Grand Council Convention. PASSED
12. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, directs that a personal communication from the Grand Regent be sent to all living Past Grand Regents not in attendance at the 42nd Grand Council Convention, expressing the Brothers' regrets for their absence, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: the 42nd Grand Council directs the Executive Committee to institute the appropriate measures to utilize the talents and expertise of the members of the Advisory Committee at future Grand Council Conventions. PASSED
13. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, express sincere appreciation to Brother Anthony Palmieri, III, and those who assist him for their contributing successful efforts in improving the quality and value of The MASK as the official organ of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity. PASSED
14. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, direct that a letter of appreciation and proper certificate be sent to Dean Victor A. Yanchick for the use of the facilities at the University of Oklahoma for The Central Office. PASSED
15. WHEREAS, the History, Constitution and the Ritual stand as written, and WHEREAS, more brothers are offended by harping on the issue of gender, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the 42nd Grand Council, in convention assembled, request that the subject of gender need not be elaborated on. PASSED
WHEREAS, there has been considerable discussion during this Grand Council Convention relating to the structure and operation of our Fraternity, and WHEREAS, this discussion has provided a valuable opportunity for the Grand Council to reflect upon many matters pertaining to itself as will as efficiencies of operation, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: this 42nd Grand Council Convention, in convention assembled, urge the Grand Regent to appoint a Task Force of Distinguished Brothers to review the structure and operation of the Fraternity, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: this Task Force submit a written report of its findings and recommendations to the Grand Regent by February 1, 1987. PASSED
Convention Favor
The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:
Allergan, American Critical Care, Bristol Laboratories, Ciba Pharmaceuticals, Dista Products, Dorsey Laboratories, Eckerd Drugs, Geigy Pharmaceuticals, Hoechst-Roussel Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly & Company, Marion Laboratories, Merrell Dow, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, Norwich-Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Ortho Pharmaceuticals, Parke Davis, Penwalt Corporation, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Revco D.S. Inc., A. H. Robins, Roche Laboratories, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, Schering Corporation, Searle Pharmaceuticals, Smith Kline & French Laboratories, Southwestern Drug Corporation, Southwestern Graduate Chapter, E. R. Squibb & Sons, Steifel Laboratories, Syntex Laboratories, Stuart Pharmaceuticals, Texas Graduate Chapter, Upjohn Company, Westwood Pharmaceuticals
Program of Events
Sunday, August 11th
Noon Registration
Noon Exec. Committee Luncheon
1:00pm Exec. Committee Meeting
7:00pm Opening General Session
9:00pm Welcoming Party
Monday, August 12th
8:00am Registration
9:00am Second General Session
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Workshop I - The Ritual
3:00pm C.E. Program I
3:00pm Workshop II - Rushing
4:00pm Workshop III - Pledging
5:00pm Grand Council Deputy Workshop & Reception
6:00pm Dinner
7:30pm Legislative Hearing
Tuesday, August 13th
8:00am Registration
9:00am Third General Sesison
9:45am C.E. Program II
9:45am Workshop IV - The MASK
11:00am Workshop V - Chapter Responsibilities
Noon Free Afternoon (Mexico, Fishing, Beach, etc.)
Wednesday, August 14th
8:00am Registration
9:00am Fourth General Session
11:30am Lunch
1:30pm Fifth General Session
7:00pm Alpha Cocktail Reception
8:00pm Alpha Banquet & Ceremonies
Thursday, August 15th
9:00am Exec. Committee Meeting
Noon Exec. Committee Luncheon
1:00pm Exec. Committee Meeting
Program of Events for Spouses and Children
Sunday, August 11th
7:00pm Opening Ceremony followed by the pool side party
Monday, August 12th
Free day
Tuesday, August 13th
1:00pm Tour of Matamorus, Mexico
Wednesday, August 14th
1:00pm Sightseeing Tour via Isabelle Queen
7:00pm Anniversary Reception and Banquet