49th GCC
49th Grand Council Convention
"Defining the Kappa Psi Experience"
Kalispell, Montana
Tuesday-Sunday, August 3-8, 1999
Convention Chairman: Dr. Brian Reisetter
Hosted By: Gamma Eta
Host Hotel: Cavanaughs at Kalispell Center
Attendance: Total Attendance: 300
273 Brothers (175 Collegiates & 98 Graduates), 27 Guests
Gamma Eta and the Montana Graduate Chapter hosted the 49th GCC. "Roundup in the Rockies" in Kalispell, Montana, at Cavanaughs at Kalispell Center. The convention chairman was Brian Reisetter (Beta Chi), Grand Vice Regent and the on-site chairman was Grand Counselor Dr. Craig Johnston (Gamma Eta). The convention was attended by 300 persons (175 Collegiates, 98 Graduates, 27 Spouses, children, and guests).
Convention Committees and Officials
Raffle: David Maszkiewicz
Slideshow: Cameron Van Dyke
Convention Summary By Anthony Palmieri
The 49th Grand Council Convention was held in Kalispell, Montana August 3-8, 1999. The 300 registrants consisted of 175 collegiates, 98 graduates, 20 spouses, and 7 children. The theme was “Defining the Kappa Psi Experience” and was a common thread throughout the meeting. Brotherhood, ideas, innovative concepts, and educational workshops were the main methods to carry out this theme. The opening general session brought brothers together, many meeting for the first time and some renewing acquaintances. The keynote speaker was Brother Jeff Jones, the 1991 Eby award winner, who discussed his philosophy of life and how he maintains a positive optimistic outlook on life. The evening ended with a welcoming party. Business sessions over the next few days were filled with the reports of grand officers and fraternity business. Seventeen resolutions were passed and will appear in The MASK. A constitutional change allows for the Robert A. Magarian Order of the Silver Mortar to be awarded to brothers who have been in our fraternity for 25 years. This award is named in honor of retiring executive director Robert Magarian. A highlight of the convention was the premier of the national rush video prepared by Cameron Van Dyke and now available to all chapters.
The awards luncheon was the venue for the announcement of the collegiate chapter of the year, province awards, graduate chapter awards, the Eby award, the Eby Scholarship Tray Award, the Feeney industry award, and foundation scholarships. John Murphy, past president of ASHP talked on balancing priorities as a professional and family-oriented brother following the awards luncheon.
For many brothers, a highlight of GCC was the trip to Glacier National Park. This six hour trip included a box lunch and a guided tour of Glacier. That evening ended with an ice cream social, a newer tradition of our fraternity. Another highlight was the 117th anniversary banquet where the new officers were installed and the closing ceremony with the untying of the golden bow. These social events allow brothers to interact socially and enjoy activities in a more relaxed setting.
Continuing education at the GCC included management and marketing of professional organizations (Brian Reisetter), pharmacy on-line (E. Ben Welch), treatment and monitoring of asthma at home (David Maize), and pharmacist’s management of heartburn and GERD (William Garnett). Informational forums allowing brothers to share experiences included collegiate and graduate experience forums, a history presentation, a workshop on The Mask, risk management, and a live demonstration of the ritual.
The Kappa Psi Foundation benefited from two major fundraisers. The golf tournament coordinated by John Grossomanides and the raffle coordinated by Dave Maszkiewicz. Both raise significant funds for our foundation ad checks were presented to Past Grand Regent Norman Campbell, who is foundation president.
Elsewhere in The Mask, you will find listings of attendees, chapters present, and the award recipients. Convention chair was Brian Reisetter, site coordinator was Craig Johnston and Gamma Eta was the host chapter. All of these brothers did a remarkable job making the 49th GCC a total Kappa Psi experience of fellowship, industry, sobriety, and high ideals.
Continuing Education and Workshops
C.E. I: Marketing and management of a professional organization
C.E. II: Pharmacist's management of heartburn and GERD
C.E. III: Pharmacies On-Line
C.E. IV: Treatment and monitoring of asthma at home
Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections
Grand Regent: Brian Reisetter
Grand Vice Regent: Craig Johnston
Grand Counselor: Tim Eley
Grand Historian: Anthony Palmieri
Grand Ritualist: Cameron Van Dyke
Graduate Member at Large: David Maszkiewicz
Collegiate Member at Large: Greg Speicher
Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights
Frank H. Eby Award: Steven Murray (Beta Delta)
Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Delta Epsilon
The following legislation PASSED:
· To establish the Robert A. Magarian - Order of the Silver Mortar with membership restricted to persons who have been members of the fraternity for 25 years.
· To be eligible for nomination as a Grand Officer or Graduate Member-at-Large, the person must have been a member for two years and paid their dues for the year.
· No member shall be elected unless in good standing.
· The Grand Regent will appoint an A. Richard Bliss Nomination Committee.
The following legislation FAILED:
· To allow non-members to receive The Mask via paid subscription.
· To define "in good standing" for graduate members.
· To make available, upon request, all actions and votes taken by the Executive Committee to the chapters.
· To send out the minutes from the Executive Committee meetings to the chapters within 30 days.
· To set the date for determining airfares 90 days prior to the GCC.
· To establish a finance committee as a permanent committee. This committee to be composed of three (3) Past Grand Regents.
· To give graduate brothers one vote who have attended ten GCCs and did not otherwise have a vote.
1. WHEREAS, leadership of Kappa Psi involves a strong commitment of time, as well as personal sacrifice, and WHEREAS, Grand Regent Brian Furbush and the Members of the Executive Committee have worked diligently to advance the Fraternity, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 49th Grand Council Convention in session extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to Grand Regent Furbush and the Executive Committee for their contribution to our Beloved Order.PASSED
2. WHEREAS, every effort has been made to provide an enjoyable atmosphere for the 49th Grand Council Convention, and, WHEREAS, personal time and sacrifice was put forth by the Convention Chairman and Convention Committee, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their thanks and appreciation to Brian Reisetter for his efforts, and the Gamma Eta andMontana Graduate chapters for their contributions. PASSED
3. WHEREAS, all Brothers made a tremendous effort to attend, and, WHEREAS, attendance to the Grand Council Convention involves both monetary and personal sacrifice, BE IT RESOLVED, we thank all those in attendance at the 49th Grand Council Convention in Kalispell, Montana. PASSED
4. WHEREAS, hotel accommodations and meeting facilities are the key to a successful meeting, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 49th Grand Council Convention in session acknowledge the efforts of the staff at Cavanaugh's at the Kalispell Center in Kalispell, Montana for maintaining the services necessary for a successful Grand Council Convention. PASSED
5. WHEREAS, having the support of spouses, children, and family members for Brothers of Kappa Psi to attend the Grand Council Convention, BE IT RESOLVED, the Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their thanks and love to all family members that support the Fraternity. PASSED
6. WHEREAS, having the opportunity to socialize at the Grand Council Convention is appreciated, BE IT RESOLVED, the 49th Grand Council Convention extends its thanks to all individuals, chapters and provinces who hosted all social activities. PASSED
7. Whereas, hosting the Grand Council Convention is an enormous undertaking, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 49th Grand Council Convention, Gamma Eta and Montana Graduate chapters would like to extend its thanks to everyone who volunteered time to help make the convention a success. PASSED
8. WHEREAS, candidates should be professional and should not distribute campaign material, BE IT RESOLVED, that the House Rules for Grand Council Conventions be amended to include that there shall be no campaign materials permitted on the Grand Council Convention site or surrounding areas while the Grand Council Convention is in session. PASSED
9. WHEREAS, many resolutions are better served as recommendations for the Executive Committee to consider, and WHEREAS, many resolutions considered at each Grand Council Convention are in the form of recommendations, BE IT RESOLVED, that during new business of Grand Council Conventions a "Recommendations" section be included for Brothers to introduce topics which they wish to be considered by the Executive Committee. PASSED
10. WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 2 of the Constitution states that persons eligible for membership in Kappa Psi Professional Fraternity may not be excluded from membership for reasons of race, color, creed or gender, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Little Sisters of The MASK be dismantled in those chapters that have active programs. FAILED
11. WHEREAS, the time spent at Grand Council Convention is very busy and there may not be enough time to attend all scheduled events, BE IT RESOLVED, that at the next Grand Council Convention the Raffle Committee allow the purchaser of the ticket to write their name on the back of the ticket and claim their prize at a later time. (Resolution Committee recommended referral to the Raffle Committee for further consideration). PASSED
12. WHEREAS, every collegiate brother who applies for the Kappa Psi Foundation Scholarship spends much time and energy filling out the application form, and getting its proper recommendations, BE IT RESOLVED, that they receive some sort of notification of the receipt from The Central Office of their application. (Resolution Committee recommended referral to the Foundation Committee for further consideration). PASSED
13. WHEREAS, not all host chapter delegates reside in the city where the Grand Council Convention is held, BE IT RESOLVED, that the host chapter delegate receive partial reimbursement. (Resolution Committee recommended referral to the Executive Committee for consideration). PASSED
14. WHEREAS, the proper collection and storage of Kappa Psi documents and artifacts is crucial to the preservation of our history, and WHEREAS, the majority of these historical items are irreplaceable, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee in consult with the Grand Historian Emeritus purchase fire-proof storage for The Central Office and the Grand Historian Emeritus as deemed appropriate for their needs by the Executive Director and the Grand Historian Emeritus, and budget appropriate funding. PASSED
15. WHEREAS, the wisdom and guidance of the Grand Council Deputies are important to the functioning of the Fraternity, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Fraternity requests the Grand Regent to reappoint a Grand Council Deputy Committee with charges of his discretion. PASSED
16. WHEREAS, the Grand Council Deputy Committee found that the number of returned surveys was incomplete, BE IT RESOLVED, that the nonresponding Grand Council Deputies and Regents should be contacted by the Grand Council Deputy Committee to complete the survey. PASSED
17. WHEREAS, the history of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity is long and illustrious, and WHEREAS, the teaching and learning of our Fraternity heritage is instrumental in defining the Kappa Psi experience and inspiring fraternal and professional pride, and, WHEREAS, the Fraternity should continue to utilize computer technology whenever possible, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee in consult with the Grand Historian Emeritus make every effort to post and make available to the Brotherhood on the internet the history presentation developed by Brothers Johnston and Garner in accordance with the recommendations of the 1997-1999 History Committee. FAILED
18. WHEREAS, Kappa Psi encourages service projects at the chapter and province levels, BE IT RESOLVED, that a service project be implemented at the next Grand Council Convention and hopefully perpetuate henceforth. FAILED
19. WHEREAS, the Grand Council Deputy's report found a lack of use of the opening, closing, and initiation rituals among the collegiate chapters, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Grand Council Deputy Committee report recommends that the Grand Ritualist investigate the ritual's lack of use and develop a plan to increase and promote utilization of the ritual. PASSED
20. WHEREAS, that is a lack of filing of Form 990 to the IRS, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Central Office include it in the spring packet. FAILED
21. WHEREAS, greater communication between The Central Office, Executive Committee, and the Grand Council Deputies is very important, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee investigate ways to improve e-mail communications to the GCDs. PASSED
Convention Favor(s)
Given to all attendees
The History of Kappa Psi Book (Collegiates)
Black Satchel Bag (Graduates)
The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:
Bayer Corporation, Eli Lilly Company, Glaxo Wellcome, Inc., Johnson and Johnson Services, Inc., Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc., Schering-Plough Corporation, Smith Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, TelSpan Teleconferencing, University of Montana School of Pharmacy & Allied Health Sciences, U.S. Pharmaceuticals Group of Pfizer, Inc., Xeneca Pharmaceuticals
Program of Events
Tuesday, August 3rd
9:00am-6:00pm Registration
9:00am-Noon Executive Committee Meeting
Noon Executive Committee Luncheon
1:00pm-5:00pm Executive Committee Meeting
6:00pm-8:00pm General Session I: Opening General Session
8:00pm-10:00pm Welcome Party
Wednesday, August 4th
8:00am-9:00am Continental Breakfast
8:00am-Noon Registration
9:00am-Noon General Session II
Noon 2nd Biennial Scholarship Awards Luncheon
2:00pm-3:00pm Workshop I
3:00pm-4:00pm C.E. I: Marketing and management of a professional organization
Brian Reisetter, R.Ph., M.B.A.
4:00pm-6:00pm Workshop II
4:00pm-6:00pm Graduate Development Forum
6:00pm-7:00pm Dinner on your own
7:00pm-8:00pm Legislative Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 5th
8:00am-9:00am Continental Breakfast
9:00am-11:00am Registration
9:00am-11:00am General Session III
11:00am-7:00pm Trip to Glacier National Park (Box lunches)
8:00pm Ice Cream Social
Friday, August 6th
9:00am-11:00am Registration
9:00am-11:00am General Session IV
10:00am-11:00am Workshop III
10:00am-11:00am C.E. II: Pharmacist's management of heartburn and GERD
William Garnett, Pharm.D.
11:00am-Noon Workshop IV
11:00am-Noon C.E. III: Pharmacies On-Line
E. Ben Welch, Pharm. D.
1:00pm-2:00pm Workshop V
1:00pm-2:00pm C.E. IV: Treatment and monitoring of asthma at home
David Maize, Ph.D.
1:00pm-4:00pm Exhibitors & Chapter Sales
6:00pm-8:00pm Graduate & Benefactor Reception
Saturday, August 7th
9:00am-11:00am Registration
9:00am-Noon General Session V
Noon Lunch on your own
1:00pm-5:00pm General Session VI
6:30pm-7:30pm Alpha Chapter Reception
7:30pm-9:30pm 120th Anniversary Banquet
9:30pm-1:00am Dance
Sunday, August 8th
8:00am-9:00am Continental Breakfast
9:00am-Noon Post-convention Executive Committee Meeting