50th GCC

50th Grand Council Convention

"Kappa Psi for Life"

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Tuesday-Sunday, August 7-12, 2001

Convention Chairman: Dr. Craig Johnston

Hosted By: Delta Rho, Province IV

Host Hotel: Marriott Harbor Beach

Attendance: Total Attendance: 342

330 Brothers (247 Collegiates & 83 Graduates), 12 Guests


The sun, the surf, and the anticipated brotherhood lured 342 registrants (247 Collegiates, 83 Graduates and 12 spouses & children) to the 50th Grand Council Convention in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The convention was hosted by Delta Rho and Province IV. The convention chairman was Craig Johnston (Montana Graduate Chapter), Grand Vice Regent. Prior to the Convention, a three-night cruise, "Brotherhood in the Bahamas", was sponsored by the Southwestern Graduate Chapter. Forty-three brothers enjoyed the cruise to Nassau, although the weather could have been better.

Convention Committees and Officials

Legislative: Tim Eley

Raffle: Paul Cyprus, Tracy Anderson-Haag, Beauman Dick, Rebecca Fahrenbruch

Slideshow: Cameron Van Dyke

Convention Program

Convention Summary

Tuesday evening started with the introduction of the International Officers by Past Grant Regent John Grossomanides. The Golden Bow was tied by Grand Ritualist Cameron Van Dyke. Grand regent Brian Reisetter then introduced past officers in attendance and the various convention committees. Brother Randy McDonough gave the keynote address "Kappa Psi - Creating Our Destiny". Following this very inspiring presentation, the candidates for International Office were introduced by Past Grand Regent Norman Campbell and each was given five minutes to give their response (campaign speech). The welcoming reception was held on the Oceanview Terrace, where the brothers were treated to grilled fish and/or chicken.

After the Grand Agora Ceremony, the first opening session on Wednesday was filled with officer and committee reports. Unfortunately, time ran out, and some of the reports were postponed until Thursday morning. The afternoon was scheduled with workshops, breakout sessions, and two Continuing Education presentations. Workshop I: "Why KY4L? Four Perspectives & open discussion." The panel consisted of Donald Floriddia, University of the Pacific, Jean Starvaggi, Pharmacy Manager, CVS Pharmacy, Salvatore J. Giorgianni, Director of External Relations at Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group, and William Fassett, Dean at Washington State University. Each panel member gave a short dissertation on why they stay active in Kappa Psi. This was followed by an open question and answer session. The Graduate & Benefactor Reception was held in the Caribbean Salon V and was attended by approximately 50 graduate brothers.

The third general session continued with the reports of the remaining committees, followed by the Province presentations. Two breakout sessions were set up, one for the collegiates and the other for the graduates. Workshop II, Joint session: "Report of needs and design of five year plan to bring about KY4L." A number of good ideas were brought forward by both the collegiate and graduate brothers. Brother Past Grand Regent and Editor of the Mask Johnny Porter presented workshop III: "The Mask and professional publications as an aid to KY4L" in the afternoon. The volleyball Tournament was held on the beach with 16 teams signed up to participate. Workshop IV was held in the evening with brother Grand Ritualist Cameron Van Dyke presenting proposed ritual changes and use of the ritual for life.

Friday's fourth general session was short, but included the Province reports not finished on Thursday and brother Dave Mountain's "Millennium Ride for Diabetes" slide presentation. These were followed by Workshop IV: "Risk Management as a life-time strategy" by brother Jenny Matt. C.E. IV, "Nonpharmacological and pharmacological Approaches to Smoking Cessation" was presented at the same time by brother David Maize. The Foundation Golf Tourney was held in the afternoon at Bonaventure Golf Course, with the awards dinner immediately following the conclusion of play. Eight teams signed up for the "best-ball" tourney. The Legislative Committee hearing was held at 8 PM in the Caribbean Salons I-IV with Grand Counselor Tim Eley presiding.

Saturday was filled with anticipation as election of the new slate of International Officers would take place after lunch. The 122nd Anniversary Banquet signaled the end of the 50th GCC. Once again, the brothers were treated to a slide show with photos taken by Cameron Van Dyke. Various awards were presented and a short speech was given by the new Grand Regent. Following the banquet, the brothers enjoyed dancing and socializing until early in the morning.

Various fund raisers held during the convention raised over $5,000 for the Kappa Psi Foundation. The raffle committee (Beauman Dick, Paul Cyprus, Becky Nowak & top seller Tracy "Sprout" Anderson) raised over $3,000.

Continuing Education and Workshops

C.E. I: Pharmaco-Legal Update 2001

C.E. II: OTC Medications and the Pediatric Patient

C.E. III: The Role of the Human Genome Project on Drug

C.E. IV: Nonpharmacological & Pharmacological Approaches to Smoking Cessation

Workshop I: Why KY4L?

Workshop II: Report of needs and design of five-year plan to bring about KY4L

Workshop III: The MASK and Professional Publications

Workshop IV: Ritual: Proposed changes and use of the ritual for life

Workshop V: Risk management as a life-time strategy


Grand Officer and Member-at-Large Elections

Grand Regent: Craig Johnston

Grand Vice Regent: Anthony Palmieri

Grand Counselor: David Maszkiewicz

Grand Historian: David Dunson

Grand Ritualist: Sean Higgins

Graduate Member at Large: Michael Sherry

Collegiate Member at Large: David Mountain

Biennial Scholarship Lunch Highlights

Frank H. Eby Award: David Mountain (Gamma Eta)

Frank H. Eby Scholarship Tray Award: Delta Omicron

Nicholas W. Fenney Industry Scholarship Award: Beta Kappa

A plaque was also presented to Dr. Craig Johnston for his articles in The Mask entitled, "Millennium Ride for Diabetes" by the College Fraternity Editors Association (CFEA). A plaque of appreciation was also presented to brother Salvatore J. Giorgianni for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Group corporate sponsorship of the "Millennium Ride."


By-Law II 
Sec. 1. Each Member shall pay a Grand Council Membership fee of forty-five dollars (U.S.) ($45.00). This fee shall be transmitted to The Central Office within seven (7) days of initiation by the Treasurer of the Chapter of initiation. The Membership shall be used as follows: forth-three dollars and fifty cents (U.S.) ($43.50) to the General Fund, and one dollar and fifty cents (U.S.) ($1.50) to the Grand Council Convention Fund. By-Law II, section 2 shall be satisfied during the semester of initiation. PASSED

By-Law II 
Sec. 2. Each Graduate Chapter shall pay by March fifteenth of each calendar year an Annual Graduate Chapter Fee of one hundred dollars (U.S.) ($100.00) to The Central Office, and shall submit a copy of its current mailing list. PASSED
By-Law II 
Sec. 4. Each Graduate Member shall be requested to pay during the calendar year 2002 and each year thereafter, a Graduate Assessment of fifty dollars (U.S.) ($50.00). This Graduate Assessment shall be used as follows: nine dollars (U.S.) ($9.00) to the Grand Council Convention Fund, and forty-one dollars (U.S.) ($41.00) to the General Fund. FAILED
By-Law II 
Sec. 1. Each Member shall pay a Grand Council Membership fee of eighty dollars (U.S.) ($80.00). This fee shall be transmitted to The Central Office within seven (7) days of initiation by the Treasurer of the Chapter of initiation. The Membership shall be used as follows: seventy-eight dollars and fifty cents (U.S.) ($78.50) to the General Fund, and one dollar and fifty cents (U.S.) ($1.50) to the Grand Council Convention Fund. The new Member shall be provided the least costly Fraternity Badge at Fraternity expense. By-Law II, section 2 shall be satisfied during the semester of initiation. FAILED
By-Law IV 
Sec. 4. Upon the approval of the Executive Committee and payment of a two hundred dollar (U.S.) $200.00) Charter Fee, the Grand Regent shall grant the Charter and cause either personally, or by appointment of a Member of the Executive or Advisory Committees, the new Chapter to be properly installed. FAILED
By-Law VI 
Sec. 1. The Grand Council Convention Fund shall be used to pay the transportation expenses in the sum of three hundred fifty dollars (U.S.) ($350.00) for one (1) Delegate (not a proxy) from each Collegiate Chapter, each Member of the Executive Committee, and such other Members of the Grand Council designated by the Executive Committee. Any monies remaining in this fund following the determination of anticipated transportation expenses may be utilized to fund other portions of the Grand Council Convention. WITHDRAWN


1.    WHEREAS, leadership of Kappa Psi involves a strong commitment of time, as well as personal sacrifice, and WHEREAS, Grand Regent Brian Reisetter and the Members of the Executive Committee have worked diligently to advance the Fraternity, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 50th Grand Council Convention in session extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to Grand Regent Reisetter and the Executive Committee for their contribution to our Beloved Order. PASSED

2.    WHEREAS, every effort has been made to provide an enjoyable atmosphere for the 50th Grand Council Convention, and, WHEREAS, personal time and sacrifice was put forth by the Convention Chairman and Convention Committee, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their thanks and appreciation to Craig Johnston for his efforts, and the Delta Rho chapter and Province IV for their contributions. PASSED

3.    WHEREAS, all Brothers made a tremendous effort to attend, and WHEREAS, attendance to the Grand Council Convention involves both monetary and personal sacrifice, BE IT RESOLVED, we thank all those in attendance at the 50th Grand Council Convention in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. PASSED

4.    WHEREAS, hotel accommodations and meeting facilities are the key to a successful meeting, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 50th Grand Council Convention in session acknowledge the efforts of the staff at Marriott's Harbor Beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for maintaining the services necessary for a successful Grand Council Convention. PASSED

5.    WHEREAS, having the support of spouses, children, and family members for Brothers of Kappa Psi to attend the Grand Council Convention, BE IT RESOLVED, the Brothers of Kappa Psi extend their thanks and love to all family members that support the Fraternity. PASSED

6.    WHEREAS, having the opportunity to socialize at the Grand Council Convention is appreciated, and WHEREAS, the Montana Graduate Chapter and Gamma Nu Chapter put together large social events for the Brothers in attendance, BE IT RESOLVED, the 50th Grand Council Convention extends its thanks to all individuals, chapters and provinces who hosted all social activities. PASSED

7.    Whereas, hosting the Grand Council Convention is an enormous undertaking, BE IT RESOLVED, that the 50th Grand Council Convention and Delta Rho would like to extend its thanks to everyone who volunteered time to help make the convention a success. PASSED

8.    WHEREAS, the meetings of the Grand Council Convention are of a secretive nature, BE IT RESOLVED, that cellular phones should not be answered while meetings are in session, and BE IT RESOLVED, that all cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices are to be turned off before entering the meeting. FAILED

9.    WHEREAS, being an exceptional Grand Council Deputy takes time and energy away from activities such as family and professional responsibilities, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. will implement the formation of the Grand Council Deputy Certificate of Excellence Award and the Grand Council Deputy Outstanding Achievement Award so as to be awarded by the Executive Committee at the 51st Grand Council Convention. PASSED

10.  WHEREAS, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., supports the activities of the Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Foundation, Inc. and WHEREAS, donations to the Foundation enjoy tax-exempt status, BE IT RESOLVED, that the names of the Bicentennial, Scarlet and Gray, and Grand Regent clubs be offered to the Foundation for their fundraising efforts, and that Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. stop collecting funds from these campaigns. PASSED

11.  WHEREAS, the Gamma Psi and Gamma Phi chapters spent a lot of time and energy to promote brotherhood by organizing the 50th Grand Council Convention's beach volleyball tournament, BE IT RESOLVED, that we would like to thank the Gamma Psi and Gamma Phi chapters of Kappa Psi for their hard work and dedication. PASSED

12.  WHEREAS, the Greek letters "Kappa" and "Psi" have had a noble association with this venerable Fraternity for the past 122 years, and WHEREAS, the modern English letter "k" is derived from the Greek letter "Kappa" and the combination of the English letters "ps" are derived from the Greek letter "Psi," and WHEREAS, the modern English letter "y" is derived from the Greek letter "Upsilon," BE IT RESOLVED, that all Brothers of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc., make a conscious and concerted effort, from this date forward, to refrain from using the alphabetic designation "KY" in either the spoken or written form in reference to Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. FAILED

Convention Favor(s)

Visor, Beach Ball & Frisbee
Given to all attendees

Canvas Satchel Bag (Graduates)

The History of Kappa Psi Book (Collegiates)


The brothers of Kappa Psi wish to extend a special thanks to the following companies for their support of the Grand Council Convention:

Caremark Rx, Eckerd Drug Company, Holy Cross Hospital, McKesson Medication Management, Merck and Company, Mayo Clinic, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Rite Aid, Tenet S. Florida HealthSystem, The Safeway Companies, Walgreens

Program of Events

Tuesday, August 7th


7:30am-5:00pm    Executive Committee Meeting - Tampa Board Room

9:00am-6:00pm   Registration - Caribbean Registration Desk

6:00pm      General Session I: Opening Session

8:00pm      Welcome Social: Caribbean Dinner Party -

     Oceanview Terrace


Wednesday, August 8th


8:00am-11:00am   Registration - Caribbean Registration Desk

8:00am      Continental Breakfast - Caribbean Foyer I-IV

9:00am      General Session II - Caribbean Salons I-IV

10:00am     Break

Noon       3rd Biennial Scholarship Awards Luncheon

2:00pm      Workshop I - Why KY4L?

3:00pm      Breakout Discussion - Collegiates: What are we doing and What are we missing

                 Greg Speichter, Brian Furbush & Cameron Van Dyke

3:00pm     Breakout Discussion - Graduates: What are we doing and What are we missing

                 David Maszkiewicz, Tim Eley, & Anthony Palmieri

4:00pm      C.E. I: Pharmaco-Legal Update 2001

                  Dr. Norman Campbell

5:00pm       C.E. II: OTC Medications and the Pediatric Patient

                  Dr. Jenny Matt

7:00pm      Graduate and Benefactors Reception - Caribbean Salon V


Thursday, August 9th


8:00am-11:00am   Registration - Caribbean Registration Desk

9:00am      General Session III - Caribbean Salons I-IV

10:00am      Breakout Discussions - Collegiates: What can be done in the future?

                Greg Speichter, Brian Furbush & Cameron Van Dyke

10:00am      Breakout Discussions - Graduates: What can be done in the future?

                David Maszkiewicz, Tim Eley, & Anthony Palmieri

10:45am     Workshop II: Report of needs and design of five-year plan to bring about KY4L

11:45am      Career Fair & Chapter Sales - Caribbean Salon V

1:30pm     GCD Reception

2:30pm     Workshop III: The Mask and Professional Publications

2:30pm      C.E. III: The Role of the Human Genome Project on Drug

               Development. Update on New Treatments for R.A.

                  Dr. Kam Nola

3:30pm      Beach Challenge: Volleyball, etc.

7:30pm     Workshop IV: Ritual: Proposed changes and use of the ritual for life.

8:30pm     Ice Cream, bonfires, and "Pharmacy Pheud"


Friday, August 10th


8:00am-11:00am Registration - Caribbean Registration Desk

9:00am      General Session IV - Caribbean Salons I-IV

11:00am     Workshop V: Risk management as a life-time strategy

11:00am      C.E. IV: Nonpharmacological & Pharmacological Approaches to Smoking Cessation

                Dr. David Maize

Noon      Foundation Golf Tournament & Awards Dinner - Bonaventure Golf Course

8:00pm      Legislative Committee Hearing - Caribbean Salons I-IV


Saturday, August 11th


8:00am-11:00am Registration - Caribbean Registration Desk

9:00am      General Session V - Caribbean Salons I-IV

10:00am      Break

Noon       Lunch on your own

1:30pm     General Session VI - Caribbean Salons I-IV

6:00pm      Alpha Chapter Reception - Foyer Caribbean Ballroom

7:00pm      122nd Anniversary Banquet - Caribbean Ballroom

9:00pm      Dance - Caribbean Ballroom


Sunday, August 12th


8:00am-9:30am Farewell Breakfast - Caribbean Salon IV

9:30am     Executive Committee Meeting - Tampa Board Room

NoonExecutive Committee working lunch


51st GCC


49th GCC